What are the responsibilities and job description for the Technical Writer position at Novanta?
Build a career powered by innovations that matter! At Novanta, our innovations power technology products that are transforming healthcare and advanced manufacturing—improving productivity, enhancing people’s lives and redefining what’s possible. We create for our global customers engineered components and sub-systems that deliver extreme precision and performance for a range of mission-critical applications—from minimally invasive surgery to robotics to 3D metal printing.
Novanta is one global team with over 26 offices located in The Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Looking for a great place to work? You have found it with a culture that embraces teamwork, collaboration and empowerment. Come explore Novanta.
Build a career powered by innovations that matter. At Novanta, our innovations power technology products that are transforming healthcare and advanced manufacturing—improving productivity, enhancing people’s lives and redefining what’s possible. We serve as a trusted technology partner to medical and advanced industrial original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) worldwide, engineering components and sub-systems that deliver extreme precision and performance for a range of mission-critical applications—from minimally invasive surgery to robotics to 3D metal printing.
Novanta is a global organization with offices located throughout EMEA, The Americas and Asia Pacific. Novanta is a publicly traded company on NASDAQ under symbol NOVT.
This position is part of the ATI Industrial Automation business unit within Novanta. ATI is the world-leading engineering-based developer of robotic accessories and robot arm tooling, including Automatic Tool Changers, Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensing Systems, Utility Couplers, Material Removal Tools, Robotic Collision Sensors, Manual Tool Changers, and Compliance Devices. Our robot end-effector products are found in thousands of successful applications around the world. Since 1989, our team of mechanical, electrical, and software engineers has been developing cost-effective, state-of-the-art end-effector products and solutions that improve robotic productivity.
Position Details
- Research dra w i n gs, s p ecifica ti o n s , CAD models a n d p rod u ct samp l e s t o create illustrated product overview, installation, op e r a t i on, maintenance, and troubleshooting pr o c e d u r es . V e r i fy all d o c u m e nta t i o n w i th project leaders, e nginee r ing, sales, a n d a p pli c a ti o n s p e r s o n nel.
- Bring a uni f orm tone to all company c om m u nica t ion s an d p o li c ie s s o t h a t t h e r e i s a con s istent voice th r ou g ho u t differ e n t t y p es o f u s er d o c umentation including ma n u al s , ho w - t o g u ides, q u i c k references, c u s t omer t r ai ni ng, a nd presentations.
- Write and organize technical information to be translated into multiple languages. Managing technical information to minimize the effort sent to external translation services.
- Continue to learn new skills, technologies, and techniques through in-house training, outside training/coursework, seminars, customer visits, trade shows or appropriate use of the internet. Participate in the training of other members of your team in these skills.
- Provide direction for documentation standards such as style, terminology, content, cl a ri t y , and c o nci s e n e s s. Develop InDesign templates with standard table, paragraph, character, graphic, and object styles. Create training materials to support new employee orientation, training and development.
- Review manuals and web pages to ensure accuracy, consistency, and conformity to standards.
- Apply a continuous improvement approach (Lean principals) to all the activities: processes, and technical manuals, manual translation, training materials, and web page development.
- Support new product development for creation of manuals, manual translation, and training materials through the electronic project system. Support continuing product improvements for updating of manuals through the electronic ECO system.
- I n t e r v i e w p roduction and eng i n e e ri n g p erson n e l a nd read jour n a ls a nd other material to become famili a r w i th p r o duct technol og ies and pr o d uction metho d s.
- Other d u t i es as a s sign e d.
Job Requirements/Skills
- 1 - 3 y e ar of e x p erience w riting t e c h n i c al documents similar to ATI ma n u al s , t r a i ni n g presentations, E n g i nee r i n g Forms, and Enginee r i n g I n s t r u c tions. Experience w i th SolidW o r k s CAD or equivalent is required. Proficient with Adobe Creative Suite and XML are v e r y d e s i r a bl e . An associate’s degree or eq u i v alent in a related field .
Novanta is proud to be an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action workplace. We consider all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, military and veteran status, disability, genetics, or any other category protected by federal law or Novanta policy.
Please call 1 781-266-5700 if you need a disability accommodation for any part of the employment process.