The salary of an E-commerce Risk Director in the United States varies depending on several factors, including experience, location, education level, marketing trend and company sizes.
What is the hourly salary range of E-commerce Risk Director?
As of January 01, 2025, the average hourly pay of E-commerce Risk Director in the United States is $77. While is seeing that E-commerce Risk Director salary in the US can go up to $99 or down to $39, but most earn between $56 and $89. shows the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of E-commerce Risk Director in the United States.
What is the yearly and monthly salary as an E-commerce Risk Director?
As of January 01, 2025, the average annual salary is $159,585 (range: $80,583 to $206,748); the average monthly salary is $13,299 (range: $6,715 to $17,229).
Click the switch button below to see weekly and hourly salary of an E-commerce Risk Director.
What are the salaries of E-commerce Risk Director with different levels of experience?
As of January 01, 2025, is seeing that an entry-level E-commerce Risk Director with under 1 year experience makes about $133,045. With less than 2 years of experience, a mid-level E-commerce Risk Director makes around $136,791. After 2-4 years, the E-commerce Risk Director pay rises to about $143,034. Those senior E-commerce Risk Director with 5-8 years of experience earn roughly $149,277, and those E-commerce Risk Director having 8 years or more experience is expected to earn about $159,374 on average.
Entry Level E-commerce Risk Director
Intermediate Level E-commerce Risk Director
Senior Level E-commerce Risk Director
Specialist Level E-commerce Risk Director
Expert Level E-commerce Risk Director
$133,0450 yr
$136,791< 2 yrs
$143,0342-4 yrs
$149,2775-8 yrs
$159,374> 8 yrs
Last Updated on January 01, 2025
Entry Level
Mid Level
Senior Level
Top Level
View as graphView as table
Last Updated on January 01, 2025
How much does salary of E-commerce Risk Director vary from state to state?
Salaries in the United States can vary significantly from state to state due to a multitude of factors, including cost of living, local economic conditions, and industry presence.
For example, as of January 01, 2025, the average yearly salary of E-commerce Risk Director is $176,022 in California and in Massachusetts, the average annual salary goes to $173,629. While in New Jersey, an E-commerce Risk Director earns $174,905 per year.
How much does salary of E-commerce Risk Director vary from city to city?
Salaries in the United States can vary significantly from city to city due to a multitude of factors, including cost of living, local economic conditions, and industry presence.
For example, as of January 01, 2025, the average yearly salary of E-commerce Risk Director in San Francisco, CA is $199,481 and in New York, NY, the average annual salary goes to $186,395. While an E-commerce Risk Director earns $178,895 per year in Boston, MA.
What is the salary trend of E-commerce Risk Director?
For those exploring the changing dynamics of E-commerce Risk Director salaries, offers detailed insights through our Job Trending in CA Labor Market analysis. As of January 01, 2025, our research highlights a notable shift in E-commerce Risk Director compensation over the past six years. For instance, the median salary has moved from $144,655 in 2023 to about $141,967 in 2024 (for a comprehensive analysis of E-commerce Risk Director salary trends, click here). It's crucial to consider several elements, including geographical location, experience level, industry demand, and economic development, as they play a significant role in influencing salary variations.
Average Annual Salary of E-commerce Risk Director Over Time job board provides millions of E-commerce Risk Director information for you to search for. Click on search button below to see E-commerce Risk Director job openings or enter a new job title here.
Common Company Salaries for E-commerce Risk Director
Here are companies hiring for E-commerce Risk Director and their salaries, click below for more details.
1. What are the responsibilities of E-commerce Risk Director?
E-commerce Risk Director develops and administers e-commerce risk management programs and creates organization-wide risk mitigation strategies. Evaluates fraud risk associated with new and existing product offerings and new points-of-sale. Being an E-commerce Risk Director develops budgets and staffing plans for specified areas of responsibility. Typically requires a bachelor's degree in a related area. Additionally, E-commerce Risk Director typically reports to top management. The E-commerce Risk Director typically manages through subordinate managers and professionals in larger groups of moderate complexity. Provides input to strategic decisions that affect the functional area of responsibility. May give input into developing the budget. Capable of resolving escalated issues arising from operations and requiring coordination with other departments. To be an E-commerce Risk Director typically requires 3+ years of managerial experience. salary estimates, histograms, trends, and comparisons are derived from both employer job postings and third-party data sources.
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The average hourly salary for an E-commerce Risk Director is $77 per hour in the United States, updated at January 01, 2025.