13F Fire Support Specialist Salary in Louisiana

13F Fire Support Specialist Salaries by Percentile
Percentile Salary Location Last Updated
10th Percentile 13F Fire Support Specialist Salary $42,149 LA January 01, 2025
25th Percentile 13F Fire Support Specialist Salary $47,757 LA January 01, 2025
50th Percentile 13F Fire Support Specialist Salary $53,915 LA January 01, 2025
75th Percentile 13F Fire Support Specialist Salary $63,591 LA January 01, 2025
90th Percentile 13F Fire Support Specialist Salary $72,400 LA January 01, 2025
25% $47,757 10% $42,149 90% $72,400 75% $63,591 $53,915 50%(Median) Didn’t find job title? Click

How much does a 13F Fire Support Specialist earn in Louisiana

As of January 01, 2025, a 13F Fire Support Specialist in Louisiana earns an average salary of $53,915 per year.
A 13F Fire Support Specialist's salary in Louisiana can be paid hourly, weekly or monthly depending on the company and job type. Most part-time jobs will be paid hourly or weekly. Using the salary calculator, the average pay comes out to be about $26 an hour or $1,037/week or $4,493/month.
The average salary of a 13F Fire Support Specialist ranges from $47,757 to $63,591. The average salary range for a 13F Fire Support Specialist varies widely, which indicates that there are many opportunities for advancement, promotions, and salary increases. These opportunities depend on many factors, including skills, education, certifications, location, and years of experience.
Louisiana is ranked 37th out of 51 states nationwide for 13F Fire Support Specialist salaries. Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target by estimating the most accurate annual salary range for 13F Fire Support Specialist jobs, with more online, real-time compensation data than any other website.

What is the Average 13F Fire Support Specialist Salary by City in Louisiana?

Below is a list of the average salaries for a 13F Fire Support Specialist in 10 cities in Louisiana. We've identified 68 cities where the typical salary for a 13F Fire Support Specialist job is above the average in Louisiana. The top-paid city for 13F Fire Support Specialist is Arabi and the average salary for a 13F Fire Support Specialist job is earned $54,709 which is higher than the average in Louisiana.
This is followed by Belle Chasse and Chalmette in second and third places, which beat the average in Louisiana by $794(1.47%) and $794(1.47%) respectively. In fourth place is Gretna with a salary of $54,709, which is higher than the Louisiana average salary. Harvey and Kenner continue the rankings.
Based on the summary of average salaries paid by cities in Louisiana, the 13F Fire Support Specialist job market in Arabi is relatively active with a higher salary paid to compare to other cities in Louisiana.
Finally, 13F Fire Support Specialist jobs pay differently by city, even if they are in Louisiana. The cost of living might be a key factor when considering the location and salary of a 13F Fire Support Specialist position.
CITY Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
Arabi $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
Belle Chasse $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
Chalmette $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
Gretna $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
Harvey $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
Kenner $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
Marrero $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
Meraux $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
Metairie $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26
New Orleans $54,709 $4,559 $1,052 $26

What Similar Jobs are Paid to 13F Fire Support Specialist in Louisiana?

There are 11 jobs that we find are related to the 13F Fire Support Specialist job category,these similar jobs include Fire Support Specialist,Fire Prevention Specialist,Fire Protection Specialist,Fire Safety Specialist,Fire Control Specialist,Fire Prevention Engineer,Wildland Fire Suppression Specialist,Support Specialist,Is Support Specialist,Fire Captain,and EHR User Support Specialist.
All of these 11 jobs are paid between $37,357 to $105,874, and the Fire Protection Specialist gets the highest paid with $105,874 from them. Those similar job salaries are paid differently by many factors such as company size, department base, responsibility, and others. If you're qualified to be hired for one of these similar jobs to the 13F Fire Support Specialist, you could refer to the below list of job salaries based on market prices in Louisiana.
JOB TITLE Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
Fire Support Specialist $37,357 $3,113 $718 $18
Fire Prevention Specialist $62,701 $5,225 $1,206 $30
Fire Protection Specialist $105,874 $8,823 $2,036 $51
Fire Safety Specialist $62,686 $5,224 $1,205 $30
Fire Control Specialist $68,373 $5,698 $1,315 $33
Fire Prevention Engineer $62,647 $5,221 $1,205 $30
Wildland Fire Suppression Specialist $65,939 $5,495 $1,268 $32
Support Specialist $64,544 $5,379 $1,241 $31
Is Support Specialist $55,742 $4,645 $1,072 $27
Fire Captain $88,267 $7,356 $1,697 $42
EHR User Support Specialist $76,819 $6,402 $1,477 $37
Check out 13F Fire Support Specialist jobs in Louisiana

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