What is the hourly salary range of Health and Safety Advisor?

As of January 01, 2025, the average hourly pay of Health and Safety Advisor in the United States is $61. While Salary.com is seeing that Health and Safety Advisor salary in the US can go up to $74 or down to $39, but most earn between $49 and $68. Salary.com shows the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of Health and Safety Advisor in the United States.

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Salary range for a Health and Safety Advisor
$49 to $68
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Health and Safety Advisor

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Understand the total hourly compensation opportunity for a Health and Safety Advisor, hourly wage plus other pay elements

Average Hourly Wage

Core compensation


Average Total Hourly Cash Compensation

Includes base and short-term incentives

These charts show the average hourly wage (core compensation), as well as the average total hourly cash compensation for the job of Health and Safety Advisor in the United States. The average hourly rate for Health and Safety Advisor ranges from $49 to $68 with the average hourly pay of $61. The total hourly cash compensation, which includes base and short-term incentives, can vary anywhere from $53 to $75 with the average total hourly cash compensation of $64.

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