Make it simple

Side-by-Side Comparisons

Compare different versions of your job descriptions to track changes and make edits on the fly. Compare one or multiple roles to maximize the job description creation process and ensure consistency across jobs. Administrators can monitor changes between reviewers to best manage the job description review process.

Compare Job Iterations
  • Keep Track of Your Process: Compare previous job description iterations to see where changes occur in your workflow over time.

  • Know How Your Jobs Have Changed: View and understand which job traits were changed from one version to the next of your job descriptions.

  • Track Reviewer Updates: Administrators can monitor changes between reviewers to best manage the job description review process.

Side-by-Side Editing
  • Stay Consistent: Copy content from existing job descriptions and reuse across your job hierarchy.

  • Leverage Content Libraries: Edit your job descriptions by pulling job content from your Market Data module, survey library, and previous job postings.

  • Connect Jobs: Compare your jobs while editing to better understand the relationships and differences between your jobs.

  • See the Differences: Use the side-by-side comparison page in JobArchitect™ to uncover differences between your job descriptions so you can compare them accurately and make adjustments where needed.

Job Taxonomy Comparison
  • See Your Jobs Holistically: Drill into your jobs taxonomy by using our side-by-side comparison page.

  • Know Your Jobs: Determine if your job descriptions fit into your internal job taxonomy, if they require updates, and if you need to add new jobs into the mix.

“ has helped us better manage our job descriptions – from providing a user-friendly system to develop detailed descriptions, to helping create a clean, branded product for our stakeholders. I am all about efficiency and reducing keystrokes, and listened!”
"We like to include other staff members in the job description building process, but ultimately the comp team has the final approval on any job description. However, as we move towards pay transparency, we want our job descriptions to be easily accessible for anyone who wants to view them, which JobArchitect will be able to do for us.”
“The flexibility that JobArchitect provides will be beneficial for us when it comes to standardizing our job descriptions across the board, especially with our custom branding. We write job descriptions in conjunction with the departments and organizations we support, so it is vital that we have a way to share drafts with these stakeholders. The user-friendly interface will make collaboration simple.”

Insights You Need to Get It Right

The latest research, expert advice, and compensation best practices all in one place.
Why Job Descriptions Always Matter
Why Job Descriptions Always Matter Blog
Hiring the right person for a role starts with the right job description.

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The Ultimate Job Description Checklist
The Ultimate Job Description Checklist blog
This checklist will guide you on the best practices for creating job descriptions.

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How to Win the War for Talent in Today’s Tight Labor Market
How to Win the War for Talent in Today’s Tight Labor Market webcasts
In this webcast we discuss market changes and the challenges businesses face.

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Job Descriptions and the Changing Job Landscape
Job Descriptions and the Changing Job Landscape Blog
The impact of the pandemic changed the content and meaning of every job in the economy.

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How to Manage Job Descriptions
How to Manage Job Descriptions how to
We've compiled seven tips for addressing job description management.

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