Compensation Corral: 10 Relevant Articles in HR and Compensation Trends

Written by Staff
January 31, 2018
Compensation Corral: 10 Relevant Articles in HR and Compensation Trends

At, we strive to keep pace with all things compensation and HR. That’s why we’ve started the “compensation corral” — a monthly round-up summarizing 10 topically relevant articles in the space. It’s a way to help you stay up to date on what's happening in the industry.

Are you Paying Fairly and Equally?

Let’s get to it!

1. Five Workplace Issues We’ll Be Talking About

The first compensation corral article talks about important issues facing HR currently.

The HR industry was busy last year with five hot topics:

HR professionals and stakeholders continued to discuss these until today.

Many of these topics are still unresolved. For example, pay equity is being closely monitored, and more states are passing laws to prevent employers from asking about salary history.  Additionally, AI is also becoming more prevalent in the workforce, and HR departments are recognizing its potential to improve job efficiency.

To get a better understanding of the current trends in the HR industry, check out Fast Company’s article.

2. Compensation Corral Focus: The 10 Compensation Trends to Watch

With another good year behind us, summarized the top 10 trends that will influence the HR industry. We cover communication’s role in HR, AI, the shift towards HR specialists, and more.

Don’t get left behind! Keep up with what’s trending by reading our “what to watch” article.

3. Reskilling: Protecting Millions of Jobs from Technological Disruption

Compensation corral is determined to direct you to helpful articles. The ideas below about reskilling might just be the method that your company needs to help your own workers.

A report by the World Economic Forum predicts that 1.4 million U.S. jobs may be disrupted by technology and other factors between now and 2026. However, the report highlights that with proper "reskilling," 95% of at-risk workers can transition to new jobs successfully. Without reskilling, only 2% would have a good chance of transitioning to a new job, and 16% may end up unemployed. The report emphasizes the importance of a large-scale reskilling program and job matching support to ensure stable livelihoods for those affected by technological changes.

Learn more about reskilling and why it’s not as scary as it sounds.

4. Are U.S. Workers Satisfied with Their Salaries?

This compensation corral article explores the question: How satisfied are U.S. workers with their salaries? surveyed 1,024 U.S. workers about their salary satisfaction. Most respondents want higher wages, with over half specifying a desired increase of $6,000.

Other notable findings include:

  • Only 19% of employees are satisfied with their current pay.
  • More than half (54%) would consider changing jobs for a higher salary.
  • Men are more likely to ask for larger pay raises than women.

Explore the rest of’s findings and tips on handling salary conversations.

5. NYC Requires Employers to Grant Temporary Schedule Changes

New NYC law mandates employers to grant workers with schedule changes for caregiving and personal events. And so New York joins a number of other state and local governments that have also adopted similar types of legislation.

Consequently, HR managers should know about these changes to avoid legal repercussions if certain steps aren’t taken to comply with new laws.

Learn more about the changes happening in NYC.

6. NJ Bans Salary History Questions for State Employees

New Jersey governor Phil Murphy signed an executive order banning agencies and offices from inquiring about applicant's salary histories. So, employers are responding by removing salary information requests from their applications. They have also started sharing salary ranges in job postings. This will filter out applicants whose salary requirements did not match.

Get informed about the salary history bans in New Jersey.

7. Unlimited Vacation: Be Careful What You Ask For

According to Aptitude Research Partners' Culture Study, over two-thirds of respondents reported productivity and quality issues caused by employee fatigue and burnout. While unlimited vacation policies may seem like a solution, confusion or fear of consequences can result in even fewer vacations taken.

If you're considering such a policy, here are tips to make it effective.

8. The Impact of a Growing Contingent Workforce on Company Culture

The contingent workforce is rapidly expanding and catching attention with its growth rate. This compensation corral article spotlights the workers that are usually not getting the attention they deserve.

Politico reports that from 2005-2015, the contingent workforce increased by 9 million, now representing 16% of all U.S. workers. While this arrangement can benefit employers and workers, there are also concerning implications.

One challenge is the potential exclusion of this group from the social fabric of an organization. It is crucial to ensure their inclusion, appreciation, and the development of working relationships to enhance their productivity.

Learn more about this type of worker and steps to foster inclusion.

9. Compensation Corral Highlight: Manifest Your Most Productive Year Ever

Embarking on a brand new start is like opening the doors to a world of endless possibilities. You will have the chance to reorganize, improve, and create a future brimming with potential. People often make this promise to themselves as they welcome the New Year.

And when it comes to setting resolutions in HR, it is best to focus on making your organization as productive as possible.

This doesn’t necessarily mean creating expensive programs to drive engagement. There are many steps you can take to give your organization a jumpstart.

This compensation corral article shows companies the path to a more productive future.

Check out HR Bartender's article on 10 ways HR managers can enhance workplace productivity to learn more.

10. HR Technology: Ten Disruptions Ahead

According to analyst Josh Bersin, the HR tech market is changing faster than ever before. Bersin notes a shift in focus from “automation” to “productivity,” as well as changes in feedback, engagement, and analytical tools.

To learn more on Bersin’s take on what’s to come, read his Forbes article.

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