How to Become a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

Step 1: Understand the job description and responsibilities of a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

What does a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager do?

A Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager directs sales and marketing activities a healthcare organization. Develops marketing strategies and implements marketing campaigns that enhance the organization's brand and increase community awareness. Being a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager maintains relations with community organizations, hospitals, and other referral sources in order to generate admissions. May require a bachelor's degree. Additionally, Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager typically reports to a head of a unit/department. The Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager manages subordinate staff in the day-to-day performance of their jobs. True first level manager. Ensures that project/department milestones/goals are met and adhering to approved budgets. Has full authority for personnel actions. To be a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager typically requires 5 years experience in the related area as an individual contributor. 1 - 3 years supervisory experience may be required. Extensive knowledge of the function and department processes.

People's Opinions on Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager responsibilities

- Co-ordinate the development of regional marketing collateral by reviewing and ensure relevance of message and content.

01/08/2020: Indianapolis, IN

- Develop marketing plans and execute on promotional, pricing and launch strategies.

01/12/2020: Greenville, MS

Marketing can be found across all industries, including healthcare.

11/30/2019: Allentown, PA

Healthcare marketing professionals, also called marketing managers, directors or coordinators, are responsible for developing and executing marketing plans for hospitals, nursing homes, outpatient care centers and other medical facilities.

01/28/2020: Memphis, TN

Similar to their counterparts in other sectors, healthcare marketing workers are primarily responsible for creating marketing programs that build their employer’s client base and encourage client retention.

01/26/2020: Rockford, IL
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Step 2: Learn best tips to become a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

Best tips for those who want to become a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

Here are some tips to become a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager.

People's Opinions on best tips

The patient is the customer in the healthcare world.

01/19/2020: Long Beach, CA

Take advantage of information technology.

12/09/2019: Pascagoula, MS

Patient-reported outcomes are becoming more and more important, according to Dr.

02/21/2020: Petaluma, CA

Understand the buyer’s organizational chart.

01/20/2020: Passaic, NJ

Focus on your client’s customers.

01/04/2020: Fayetteville, NC
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Step 3: View best colleges and universities for Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

Best colleges and universities for Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

  • Butler University
  • Carroll College
  • Cooper Union
  • High Point University
  • Princeton University
  • Providence College

Step 4: Think about whether is it worth to be a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

Is being a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager Worth it?

People's Opinions on lifestyles

A registered nurse, Primavera has over 25 years of marketing and communications experience.

12/17/2019: Charleston, WV

For the healthcare industry in particular, social media can help engage patients, providers, and the public with relevant and timely information, as well as communicate the value and credibility of the health system.

02/14/2020: Petersburg, VA

The same report also found that 32% of US users post about their friends’ and family’s healthcare experiences on social media.

02/16/2020: Spokane, WA

A marketing plan is not a list of marketing ideas from which you randomly select different concepts to test or combine for trial-and-error experimentation.

12/21/2019: Rock Island, IL

A marketing plan is a strategic document that is designed to facilitate the achievement of specific business goals and objectives over a specific time period.

12/21/2019: Trenton, NJ
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Step 5: Prepare relevant skills for being a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

What skills do you need to be a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager?

Management is no easy task, and as such, the skill requirements for these types of roles vary greatly.  Chief skills for this role are: Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy, Sales Management, Evaluate Sales Performance.  Expertise in these areas will help you land this, or a similar role.

People's Opinions on Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager skills

BA/BS in marketing or business preferred but not required.

12/31/2019: Madison, WI

Healthcare marketing professionals are not only required to have a bachelor’s degree in marketing or a related degree, but also previous experience working in the healthcare industry.

01/27/2020: Petersburg, VA

Strong analytical, problem-solving, organizational and project management skills are helpful to a healthcare marketing professional.

11/27/2019: Saint Cloud, MN

Sufficient computer proficiency is required in healthcare marketing, as marketers must frequently use spreadsheet, word processing, presentation and email software applications.

02/01/2020: Schenectady, NY

The total yearly pay of a marketing manager differs based on factors such as industry, employer size and experience level.

02/19/2020: Anchorage, AK
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Step 6: View average salary for Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

How much does a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager make?

The average salary range for a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager is from $87,870 to $113,780. The salary will change depending on your location, job level, experience, education, and skills.

Salary range for a Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager
$87,870 to $113,780

Step 7: Find relevant Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager jobs, and apply.

Looking for Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager jobs?

Here are some Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager jobs in the United States.

Search Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager Jobs in the United States

Step 8: Explore Career Path of Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager

Step 8: Explore Career Path of Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager? Healthcare Sales/Marketing Manager