How to Become a Police Sergeant

Step 1: Understand the job description and responsibilities of a Police Sergeant

What does a Police Sergeant do?

A Police Sergeant is responsible for supervising patrol officers and agents as assigned and maintaining the chain of command within the operations of the department. Responsible for developing training programs for department personnel, directing special units, preparing special reports or projects as assigned, receiving and reviewing reports from officers, and assigning personnel in accordance to specific needs. Being a Police Sergeant requires a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and/or additional certifications and at least 5-7 years of law enforcement experience. Typically reports to a chief of police, captain, or lieutenant. The Police Sergeant manages subordinate staff in the day-to-day performance of their jobs. True first level manager. Ensures that project/department milestones/goals are met and adhering to approved budgets. Has full authority for personnel actions. To be a Police Sergeant typically requires 5 years experience in the related area as an individual contributor. 1 - 3 years supervisory experience may be required. Extensive knowledge of the function and department processes.

People's Opinions on Police Sergeant responsibilities

An individual who undertakes the role of police sergeant assists in the development of enforcement policies and tactics.

11/25/2019: Milwaukee, WI

A good communication channel must be established for residents to air their concerns with the police department and provide input.

12/23/2019: Santa Maria, CA

A quality sergeant puts a lot of time and effort into establishing trust and understanding with the citizens of his jurisdiction.

12/02/2019: Little Rock, AR

The police sergeant acts as an intermediary between upper management and lower-level officers.

12/01/2019: Hartford, CT

The activities at a crime scene are coordinated by the police sergeant.

11/15/2019: Cleveland, OH
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Step 2: Learn best tips to become a Police Sergeant

Best tips for those who want to become a Police Sergeant

Here are some tips to become a Police Sergeant.

People's Opinions on best tips

Do not accept the alleged offence.

10/14/2019: Memphis, TN

If a court date is ever set, and it does not suit you, do not accept it, ask for a delay to a time and place that suits you.

12/20/2019: Lynchburg, VA

When they re set the date, delay it as often as possible.

10/15/2019: Ogden, UT
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Step 3: View best colleges and universities for Police Sergeant

Best colleges and universities for Police Sergeant

  • Princeton University
  • Providence College
  • Rollins College
  • Taylor University
  • Bentley University
  • University of Portland

Step 4: Think about whether is it worth to be a Police Sergeant

Is being a Police Sergeant Worth it?

People's Opinions on lifestyles

Police are once again calling on the public to be mindful and cautious of information they share on social media.

10/24/2019: Gulfport, MS

Police officers are a different breed than the rest of us and this makes them difficult to shop for.

10/20/2019: Little Rock, AR

So let your wallet be your guide when looking at gift ideas for the police officer in your life.

12/07/2019: Santa Barbara, CA

A local police patch can be obtained from the police department, and there are several novelty shops and websites where you can purchase them.

11/16/2019: Jamestown, NY

The City Police and the Administration have cooperated and continue to cooperate completely with the investigation and prosecution of these charges.

12/01/2019: Middlesex, NJ
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Step 5: Prepare relevant skills for being a Police Sergeant

What skills do you need to be a Police Sergeant?

This role is not a beginner's role, as such, there are many skills required.  It is vital to the role to command: Emergency Management, Investigations, On Call Service, Law Enforcement, Patrol Operations.  For this position, you need to be experienced with: Public Safety Software.  Management isn't easy, if it were, everyone would have the competenticies to execute the role with success.

People's Opinions on Police Sergeant skills

To be successful as a Police Sergeant you should be able to perform a broad range of supervisory responsibilities and establish a relationship of trust among the members of your department.

10/29/2019: Hartford, CT

An outstanding Police Sergeant should be able to lead by example and confidently assume command when necessary.

10/20/2019: Nashua, NH

Working knowledge of laws, regulations, police methods, procedures, and techniques.

10/27/2019: Lake Charles, LA

Led and conducted Bicycle Police functions as well as community engagement to establish a good rapport with the community to increase visibility of police officers in the area by 100%.

11/22/2019: Portland, ME

My experience makes mea good candidate for the Police Sergeant job.

10/25/2019: Killeen, TX
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Step 6: View average salary for Police Sergeant

How much does a Police Sergeant make?

The average salary range for a Police Sergeant is from $68,091 to $94,272. The salary will change depending on your location, job level, experience, education, and skills.

Salary range for a Police Sergeant
$68,091 to $94,272

Step 7: Find relevant Police Sergeant jobs, and apply.

Looking for Police Sergeant jobs?

Here are some Police Sergeant jobs in the United States.

Search Police Sergeant Jobs in the United States

Step 8: Explore Career Path of Police Sergeant

Step 8: Explore Career Path of Police Sergeant? Police Sergeant