How to Become an Application Developer

Step 1: Understand the job description and responsibilities of an Application Developer

What does an Application Developer do?

The Application Programmer Analyst II conducts detailed analysis of functional and technical requirements needed to create specifications. Performs coding, debugging, testing, configuration, and analysis to develop or modify application programs. Being an Application Programmer Analyst II performs unit testing of applications. Utilizes programming, scripting, or database language to produce efficient code. In addition, Application Programmer Analyst II produces application documentation, including process and data flow diagrams. Provides support for implementing, enhancing, integrating, and maintaining applications. May require a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a project leader or manager. Being an Application Programmer Analyst II occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. Gaining exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. Working as an Application Programmer Analyst II typically requires 2 -4 years of related experience.

People's Opinions on Application Developer responsibilities

Application developers are generally employed by major technology companies, but some software engineers work independently of major firms and sell their applications to major companies.

10/16/2019: Cheyenne, WY

Typically, an application developer has a college degree in computer programming, computer science, or a related field.

12/29/2019: Elkhart, IN

An application developer begins to draw up plans for proposed applications.

11/02/2019: Pittsburgh, PA

An application developer has to have an advanced understanding of mathematics and of the binary codes that are used by computers.

11/25/2019: Savannah, GA

Developers often make several versions of the same basic application that can be read by different types of devices, such as cell phones, tablets and personal computers.

10/17/2019: Poughkeepsie, NY
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Step 2: Learn best tips to become an Application Developer

Best tips for those who want to become an Application Developer

Here are some tips to become an Application Developer.

People's Opinions on best tips

Full Application Development Cycle.

11/19/2019: San Diego, CA

Start talking HTML5 and Javascript.

12/14/2019: Flagstaff, AZ

Learn the functionality of the frameworks for developing applications for Android.

12/08/2019: Raleigh, NC

Think about learning additional languages.

01/04/2020: Topeka, KS

Let your IDE work for you (integrated development environments).

12/23/2019: Boston, MA
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Step 3: View best colleges and universities for Application Developer

Best colleges and universities for Application Developer

  • Butler University
  • Carroll College
  • Cooper Union
  • High Point University
  • Princeton University
  • Providence College

Step 4: Think about whether is it worth to be an Application Developer

Is being an Application Developer Worth it?

People's Opinions on lifestyles

2 Learn mobile application programming languages which can be used to develop a mobile application.

11/09/2019: Tampa, FL

5 Register yourself as a developer with one or more of the mobile application stores.

10/29/2019: Springfield, MA

12 Submit your mobile application to the application store where you would like to make money.

10/07/2019: Fargo, ND

Assists and actively participates on project teams in various project roles, including, but not limited to, Developer, Technical Lead and Project Manager, based upon level of experience.

10/28/2019: Saint Louis, MO

Learn and master the necessary skillsets for professional Android application development by developing six trending applications during this course authorized by Google.

11/17/2019: Springfield, MO
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Step 5: Prepare relevant skills for being an Application Developer

What skills do you need to be an Application Developer?

This is not a management position, but still requires important skills in order to fully execute the role.  A keen understanding of the following is necessary for the role: Bug/Defect Analysis, Debugging, Programming, Software Design, Software Development, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Software Engineering, Software Prototyping, Software Requirements Specification.  Some of the more basic skills utilized in this role include: Application lifecycle management (ALM) Software, Bug Tracking Software, Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Software, Source Code Management Software, Programming Language.  These skills are certainly important to the role, but keep in mind, fit into a company culture and environment is often just as important.

People's Opinions on Application Developer skills

At an impressive rate, business and technological development has emerged, causing an increased demand for experienced mobile application developers.

10/10/2019: Worcester, MA

For example, in the case of a game application developed for an Android platform phone, it may be advantageous to utilize the phone’s accelerometer to offer a unique user experience.

10/03/2019: Burlington, VT

Familiarized with mobile platform Application Programming Interfaces (API) such as Apple iOS, Android and Windows Mobile.

11/24/2019: Santa Cruz, CA

When you interview for a higher position, you should be well-versed in technical mobile application developer skills -- and be able to communicate those effectively to your interviewer.

12/29/2019: Riverside, CA

You should master -- or, at the very least, get a good grasp of -- the most in-demand mobile application developer skills.

11/16/2019: Springfield, MO
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Step 6: View average salary for Application Developer

How much does an Application Developer make?

The average salary range for an Application Developer is from $84,300 to $107,800. The salary will change depending on your location, job level, experience, education, and skills.

Salary range for an Application Developer
$84,300 to $107,800

Average salary for Application Developer jobs

Read more related jobs

Step 7: Find relevant Application Developer jobs, and apply.

Looking for Application Developer jobs?

Here are some Application Developer jobs in the United States.

Search Application Developer Jobs in the United States

Step 8: Explore Career Path of Application Developer