Company Description
Filo is a 24/7 live instant tutoring app that connects students with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for interactive video sessions. With over 1.5 million students across 15 countries and 50,000 tutors, Filo is the world's largest community of tutors. The company's mission is to democratize education and make quality learning accessible worldwide.
Role Description
This is a full-time on-site role for a Maths Jee Mains Teacher at Filo, located in Khunti. As a Maths Jee Mains Teacher, you will be responsible for providing quality education to students preparing for JEE Main exams through interactive teaching methods and personalized attention.
Job Type: Full-time
Pay: ₹80,000.00 - ₹100,000.00 per month
Ability to commute/relocate:
Work Location: In person