• Exp - 10 Yrs • Experience in creating dashboards, volume reports, operating summaries, presentations, and graphs. • Experience in Data Gateway for data refreshing, content Pack Library. • Expert in publishing reports to app.powerbi.com and setting up the necessary connection details and scheduling. • Excellent knowledge connecting Microsoft Power BI Desktop to various data sources. SQL Server is desirable. • Experience in Custom Visuals and Groups Creation. • Proficient at data visualization using Power BI • Implementation of Row Level Security by defining various constraints for each defined ROLE. • Must have a background in data analysis, insight generation etc. • Good at creating different visualizations using Slicers, Lines, Pies, Histograms, Maps, Scatter, Bullets, Heat Maps, Tree maps, etc. • Experience in gathering and translating end user requirements into effective efficient dashboards • Experience working with relational data sources like SQL Server and flat files • Good experience with cloud based data sources example Azure Data Lake Gen2, Azure Analysis Services. |