How do Army Rangers compare to Navy SEALs

Orlando Lambert December 27, 2023
By Emilia Reese January 22, 2024

The Army Rangers and Navy Seals are both elite military units within the United States, with the Army Rangers being a part of the US Army and the Navy Seals being a part of the US Navy. The Army Rangers are trained for direct action combat, airborne operations, and secret quick-strike missions, and are known for their exceptional mental and physical toughness. They can perform missions in a variety of environments, including cities, jungles, and deserts. On the other hand, Navy Seals are used for highly covert missions and have a focus on maritime environments, but can also be employed in various terrains and special military missions. Both units undergo intense training and are highly competitive to join.


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How do Army Rangers compare to Navy SEALs
How do Army Rangers compare to Navy SEALs