What does per diem work entail

Mark Bullock August 11, 2023
By Payton Nicholson October 01, 2023

Per diem work, which means work by the day, is common in the healthcare industry, especially among nurses. It is also used to describe PRN work, which stands for "pro re nata" and means "as needed" or "as circumstances arise". Per diem often refers to a set amount of money given to an employee per day to cover expenses such as travel, lodging, or meals. In the healthcare industry, per diem applies to traveling nurses who work various shifts at different locations with a highly irregular schedule. PRN is a common term used in the healthcare field, particularly for nurses, and is used to tag onto a nurse who is only needed in specific medical situations. This results in a highly flexible work schedule, often used to cover for full-time nurses that are absent. Per diem nurses also cover for full-time and part-time nurses that are absent from work, have highly flexible schedules, can work for multiple medical employers at the same time, are not guaranteed any work shifts, and do not receive employee benefits, but are compensated at a higher rate per shift than PRN nurses.


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What does per diem work entail
What does per diem work entail