You could be looking at a positive net change in disposable income
The cost of living in Syracuse, NY is
-11.8% lower than
in Riverside, CA. You would have to earn a salary of $52,897 to maintain your current standard of living.
Employers in Syracuse, NY typically pay
-6.5% less than employers
in Riverside, CA.
The same type of job in the same type of company in Syracuse, NY will typically pay $56,105.
I love to be able to eat at restaurants and try different foods, if I include that along with groceries in my overall cost of living, how would I do in Syracuse, NY?
In Syracuse, New York going out to eat at a restaurant and buying food is considered to be affordable. Make sure you take this into account as you plan your overall cost of living in Syracuse, NY. (
I love to go to sports events, what does Syracuse, New York have to offer?
Syracuse, NY does not have a major sports team, but don’t worry, check out local colleges and high school sports schedules. These games usually have very cheap tickets and the spirit and enthusiasm of the crowd often makes up for the level of skill. (
I am nervous about moving, what is the typical cost of moving to another city and what should I have to think about?
The average cost of moving to another state is around $5,600 for a distance of 1,200 miles. This price can vary a lot if the distance is greater and depending on how much is being moved. Even if your employer is covering the cost of a move, there will still be costs that are not covered. A cost that typically occurs is that your existing furniture and accessories are either too large, too small, or not appropriate for your new home. You may find that after you move, you will need to purchase many new items for the new location, for example, window coverings, rugs, lighting, and outdoor gear. Make sure you budget for these types of expenses and include them in the first year’s cost of living at your new location. Finally, although there is no dollar cost, is the stress of moving, which will increase if you have children or pets. Make sure you prepare in advance for what additional TLC those kids and pets will need to have a good move. (
I am moving with children, what should I do to make the move less stressful for them and myself?
Make sure your child has a favorite toy, doll, game, clothing, blanket, snacks, etc. to take with them during the transition. Once you arrive, let your child help with arranging and decorating their new room. You may be tempted to unpack everything when you arrive, but make sure you take a break from unpacking to spend time playing and relaxing with your child. Plan on packing a special bag to take with you with those items that you will need first. Towels, soap, a few basic kitchen utensils and food items like crackers, tea, juice, will make your new location functional as soon as you arrive and fell more like home. A small new toy, book, or video that you give to your child when you arrive might help them to feel happy and relaxed in the new location. (
I have a child, how much will child care cost per month in Syracuse, New York ?
The estimated average annual cost for child care in Syracuse, New York (based on state average), is $14144. This cost is ranked NO. 4 nationally. Some employers have company provided day care centers that let you bring your child to work with you and receive care on site. Some colleges and universities with Childhood Education programs also may have day care centers available at reduced costs, so you should explore those possibilities to see if you can reduce your child care expense. (
How do rental housing prices in Syracuse,New York impact the overall cost of living?
I am single and live in Syracuse,NY, I rent a small 1 bedroom and the monthly rent is $510 . Rent contributes to a large part of the overall cost of living in Syracuse,NY, I try to economize by having a small apartment. (
Are there fun things to in Syracuse, New York that are free or don’t cost a lot?
Looks for areas of Syracuse, New York where there is a large student population. In those areas you will be sure to find lots of free or cheap events to go to and plenty of cheap places to eat. Familiarize yourself with the places where students hang out, and take advantage of discounted or bargain prices, you are sure to be able to keep your cost of living reasonable. Look at the website for Syracuse, NY to find recommendations for activities that are available and unique to the area. (
Will I have to pay a lot in taxes if I move to Syracuse, New York?
The sales tax for Syracuse is 4%. This is the tax that you will pay on things that you buy. (
How much is a monthly pass for public transit in Syracuse, New York?
The cost of a monthly transit pass in Syracuse, NY is around $54.00. Ask your employer if they offer discounted passes to save even more money and reduce your cost of commuting and overall COL (
Can you save money using public transport?
You could save up to $1,000 per year, depending on your location, by using public transport instead of driving. Not only will you reduce the stress of driving and finding a place to park once you reach your destination, your car and tires will last longer, and you will spend less on gas. A side benefit is that you may be able to relax, work, or read on the way to work, or get to know and chat with other commuters. Some employers offer employees reduced fee bus or transit passes, so check that out with your employer. (
Cost of Living Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Cost of Living index and how is it used?
In the simplest terms, a Cost of Living index is the estimated amount that represents the cost of the basic necessities required for an individual to live. A cost of living or COL estimate may typically include estimates for housing, food, energy, medical care, transportation, taxes, and other necessities. A COL index may be used to measure what the cost difference would be for a person living in a certain location compared to another location. This cost of living comparison helps individuals make decisions about where they would like to live and what they can afford based on the costs in that location. A cost of living comparison can provide guidance about how an increase or decrease in these basic living expenses impacts necessary spending for an individual or a family.
What factors are included in estimating your cost of living?
The cost of living calculator estimate is based on data related to five general categories: housing, food, healthcare, transportation, and energy. These are the universally recognized core components of any cost of living estimate and represent those expenses that apply to everyone. Obviously, there may be other factors that could contribute to your particular cost of living situation and not everyone has the same spending habits. For example, education and/or childcare costs might not apply to everyone, but for those who have those expenses, they could be significant and should be considered when you evaluate your cost of living comparison.
The cost of living calculator is unique in that it also incorporates current salary data for thousands of jobs specific to a chosen home or work location to provide a more refined estimate of the cost of living variations. You can see how your job and your salary will be impacted by a change of location. If you live in one location but work in another, the cost of living calculator will make those adjustments to provide an accurate estimate of the change in COL. The cost of living calculator helps you to make cost of living comparisons cost comparisons easily and quickly.
Use our Salary Converter Tool, a user-friendly resource designed to see how much your salary will be if converted into hourly/weekly/biweekly/monthly/yearly pay. With just a few clicks, you can gain valuable insights into your earning potential, ensuring you make informed financial decisions.
Use our Salary Converter Tool, a user-friendly resource designed to see how much your salary will be if converted into hourly/weekly/biweekly/monthly/yearly pay. With just a few clicks, you can gain valuable insights into your earning potential, ensuring you make informed financial decisions.