Brailsford & Dunlavey provides market research, financial analysis, architectural programming & site evaluation services.

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Overview. Brailsford & Dunlavey is seeking a dynamic assistant project manager for our San Jose, CA location. Ambitious, diverse, multidisciplinary, and entrepreneurial - these are all words that describe our team. However, what ties B&D employees together is our excitement and passion for advising our clients throughout the facility development process. Whether interviewing students on a college campus, touring classrooms in an elementary school, or sitting with fans on a stadium’s opening day, we are driven by our purpose to advance communities. It starts with our own B&D community; it start... view job details

Overview. Position Purpose. The primary focus of this position is to produce analytics and outputs to inform the project team’s advisement to college, university, or municipal clients on the positioning of assets such as campus housing, intercollegiate athletic facilities, campus recreation centers, student unions, independent and charter schools, etc., to best leverage the long-term mission and vision of the organization. Analytics include, but are not limited to, master planning activities, site analyses, needs assessments, program planning, financial modeling, and market analyses.. In colla... view job details