Mather Economics is a global business consultancy headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. We work with our clients to implement analytics-driven strategies that increase subscriber revenue yield, operating margins, reader engagement and reduce subscriber churn. Mather has worked with over 600 publications worldwide managing digital and print subscriptions. We help our clients by providing the services they need to develop and implement a successful subscription strategy. We offer strategic consultation, data science and econometrics, implementation support, bench marking, A/B testing and best pract ... ice case studies. To support digital audience analytics, we have developed Listener™, a digital data capture and analytics platform. Listener enables the capture of high-quality user-level data that our team of data scientists and consultants turn into actionable items and real results. Listener also supports the implementation of analytics within your existing tech stack, such as Intelligent paywalls, targeted newsletters, content recommendations, and retention campaigns. More

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About Us:. Mather Economics is a business consultancy specializing in applied economics. Our work utilizes econometric analysis to develop implementable business solutions. We employ leading-edge econometric approaches to solve complex business problems, and assist our clients as they implement these solutions to maximize operating margins, grow revenue, or lower costs. We work with extremely large highly technical data sets captured digitally from the web and provided from our customers’ data systems. We have developed our own proprietary web-based data platform and software tools to help com... view job details