Also referred to as: Chief Customer Success Executive, Top Customer Success Executive
Requirements and Responsibilities

Head of Customer Success leads the customer success function with a vision and strategy to provide customers with a voice, support, guidance, and knowledge resources that will facilitate the achievement of their business objectives using the organization's products and services and drive sales and increased revenue. Develops strategies and processes that deliver consistent customer satisfaction from onboarding through all phases of the customer lifecycle. Being a Head of Customer Success designs data collection and feedback mechanisms to identify and understand customer needs, assess customer health and aid the development programs and policies. Builds team capabilities and capacity. Additionally, Head of Customer Success establishes collaborative relationships with sales, product development, and other customer facing functions. Requires a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Typically reports to top management. The Head of Customer Success manages a business unit, division, or corporate function with major organizational impact. Establishes overall direction and strategic initiatives for the given major function or line of business. Has acquired the business acumen and leadership experience to become a top function or division head.

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