Also referred to as: Expert Industrial Product Design
Requirements and Responsibilities

Industrial Designer IV designs and develops industrial product concepts and specifications that reflect aesthetic, functional, and manufacturing requirements. Researches and analyzes the intended use of products and user preferences. Being an Industrial Designer IV translates user insights and market requirements into sketches, prototypes, and CAD models to visually communicate the design concept. Collaborates with stakeholders like engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and suppliers to produce final designs that meet safety, manufacturability, timeline, and cost constraints. Additionally, Industrial Designer IV experienced using a variety of 3D/2D CAD rendering, prototyping, and animation tools. Typically requires a bachelor's degree in industrial or product design. Typically reports to a manager or head of a unit/department. The Industrial Designer IV work is highly independent. May assume a team lead role for the work group. A specialist on complex technical and business matters. To be an Industrial Designer IV typically requires 7+ years of related experience.

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