Also referred to as: Emergency Medical Services Pilot
Requirements and Responsibilities

Medical Transport Pilot flies medical transport aircraft used to move patients from one location to another for emergency care or treatment. Performs aircraft readiness checks and procedures according to aviation regulations (FAR's)and standard processes. Being a Medical Transport Pilot determines flight routes, takeoff and landing locations and estimated flight times. Communicates with dispatchers, medical teams, and first responders to provide safe and timely transport of patients. Additionally, Medical Transport Pilot completes and submits the required documentation for each flight. May require an associate degree or equivalent. Requires FAA Commercial Pilot's License with necessary ratings. Typically reports to a manager. The Medical Transport Pilot occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. Gaining exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. To be a Medical Transport Pilot typically requires 2 -4 years of related experience.

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