Also referred to as: Candidate Sourcing Senior Coordinator, Talent Sourcing & Planning Senior Coordinator
Requirements and Responsibilities

Talent Acquisition Senior Coordinator coordinates and assists with sourcing and evaluating talent for potential opportunities within an organization. Reviews resumes, conducts initial screening interviews, assists with assessing and ranking prospective talent. Being a Talent Acquisition Senior Coordinator assists with developing job descriptions for advertising and posting on internal sites and with external agencies. Coordinates participation in career fairs and building pipelines. Additionally, Talent Acquisition Senior Coordinator launches offer letters and coordinates new hire onboarding. Provides support in planning and strategizing future workforce needs. May require an associate degree. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. The Talent Acquisition Senior Coordinator works independently within established procedures associated with the specific job function. Has gained proficiency in multiple competencies relevant to the job. To be a Talent Acquisition Senior Coordinator typically requires 3-5 years of related experience.

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