Surgeon - Vascular specializes in the diagnosis, medical management, and surgical treatment of patients with diseases of the blood vessels outside the heart and brain. Determines which instruments and method of surgery will be most successful in achieving desired outcome. Being a Surgeon - Vascular identifies need for tests or follow-up visits. Reviews patient history and confirms need for surgery. Additionally, Surgeon - Vascular may provide medical personnel with direction concerning patient care. May provide in-service training as needed to address new technology in health care treatment. Provides charting in compliance with all laws and regulations. Requires a MD degree from an accredited school. Typically reports to the chief of surgery. Requires a license to practice. Surgeon - Vascular's years of experience requirement may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the position's specialty is the main requirement. (Copyright 2025
Please be advised, if you are viewing this position on Indeed, that the salary rate/range set forth herein was provided by Indeed. Concentra's market specific rate/range will be provided during the interview process.
Concentra, one of the largest health care companies in the nation, is looking for an orthopedic spine surgeon to come on site to our location as a 1099 independent contractor. This role is a contract position and is meant to compliment your current practice. A typical partnership will involve treating patients on site at Concentra for approximately a 4-hour shift on a weekly or biweekly basis.
Concentra Advanced Specialists assist in the management of medically complex patients, expedite return to work and functional restoration. Working collaboratively with medical and therapy providers, you will provide specialist services, both non-surgical and surgical, for orthopedic and neuromusculoskeletal work related injuries. In addition, you will communicate with employers and take an active role in the case management. The treatments you provide will make a tremendous difference in the lives of those who look to us for care and comfort.
This position is an independent contractor role for Concentra. Compensation for services is determined by a revenue share model.
Concentra is an Equal Opportunity Employer, including disability/veterans
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