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Businesses that offer competitive compensation packages stand out from the crowd and attract the best and brightest employees. Help businesses understand current pay trends and determine whether they are offering competitive salaries. Benchmark data helps in setting strategic pay structures for the future. By comparing their compensation practices to those of other companies in their industry and region, businesses can identify any areas where they fall behind. This article explores the importance of benchmark data and how it is practically applied in contemporary business settings. What is B... view blog & white papers details

Have you ever wondered why your female co-worker seems to make less than you for doing the same job? Unfortunately, gender pay inequality continues to persist in many workplaces. The gender pay gap refers to the difference in earnings between men and women, and it's an issue that affects women across the world. If you're not sure exactly what the pay gap is or why it exists, don't worry; we've got you covered. This article will give you a comprehensive overview of what is the pay gap, why it happens, and what you can all do to help close it. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of the... view blog & white papers details

To retain your top employees and attract new talent, effective compensation management software is crucial. Compensation management is important in any organization because it directly impacts employee retention, productivity, and satisfaction. Fundamentally, compensation is at the heart of employee motivation. So, it is natural that one company's human resources (HR) would want to provide a competitive compensation package to their employees. However, managing compensation can be a difficult and time-consuming task for HR professionals, especially in large organizations with sizeable numbers ... view blog & white papers details

Have you ever wondered that companies offer employees? You have  heard the term "stock options" thrown around or "RSUs" and are not  quite sure how they work. Indeed, you have found the right place.  Instead of just receiving a paycheck, some companies opt to give employees equity payments as a kind of compensation. Read on to finally understand this key aspect of your employee benefits. Why Do Businesses Offer Equity Payments? The answer is simple. Employees receive stock options or equity payments for staying with a company. But there is more to this. Companies provide equity for the follow... view blog & white papers details

Yasmine Mustafa is the Co-founder and CEO of ROAR, the designers of a wearable panic button solution that uses proprietary technology to increase workplace safety across organizations and prevent workplace violence. In this episode, Yasmine talks about workplace violence, why it seems to be worse today than ever, and how it affects HR. November 30, 2023 Time Stamps Contact Info Resources Quick Quotes Full Transcript Introduction Welcome, Yasmine! Today's Topic: Workplace Violence and Its Effect on HR What is workplace violence and why is it so prevalent right now? Increased d... view blog & white papers details

Conducting regular surveys is crucial for companies. The results help keep a pulse on job satisfaction and make data-driven business decisions. Company surveys may seem direct, but designing and executing an effective survey requires careful planning and consideration. There are several methods companies can use to get helpful feedback from the workforce in a way that encourages honest input. The key is choosing a style and format that matches the company's culture and goals. This includes anonymous surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews. Listening to employees through company surveys... view blog & white papers details

Martin Low is the Founder and CEO of On Plane Consulting, a consulting firm that helps small businesses and startups optimize and scale. Having held HR Director positions at multiple successful companies, Martin bring a wealth of experience to the table. In this episode, Martin talks about the fact that despite the evergreen landscape of new and emerging technologies, businesses still need one essential resource: people. March 28, 2024 Time Stamps Contact Info Resources Quick Quotes Full Transcript Introduction Welcome, Martin! Today's Topic: Why A Business' People are More Impo... view blog & white papers details

In most cases, companies decide on a worker's wage depending on several factors. This often includes their education, skills, and years of work experience. This makes it seem like all is fair and everyone receives wages equally. But in many years, there has been an ongoing battle for equality. This involves differences in age, race, ethnicity, and the most common, gender. This shows how unequal wages are between men and women. What is a Gender Pay Gap? This term describes the difference between how companies pay men and women workers. It is how firms measure the value of all genders within th... view blog & white papers details

This episode features unique insights from my very good and old friend Marc S Miller. We talk about passion for Human Resources Technology from its beginnings. This history provides us with a huge amount of insight into how we have evolved into the multi-billion dollar industry and how it impacts our use of HR Data and Analytics. I hope you enjoy this episode and I am looking forward to your input and feedback. With the HR industry valued at over $6B, how did we get here? Today we have Marc S. Miller to give us some of the answers. Marc has over 35 years of independent HR technology consultanc... view blog & white papers details

Let's Talk About Pay Compression and Pay Equity In today's competitive market, many companies struggle with pay compression and equity. Both can negatively impact morale, making it difficult to retain employees. Although related, pay compression is a function of today's competitive labor market. Pay equity has become a movement in which employees want to know that their employer is paying its people fairly throughout their organization. Watch our webcast to learn more. Alden Aikins, our Solutions Consultant & Product Specialist at, will walk you through how to manage pay compression... view blog & white papers details