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Nursing can be fulfilling, but one must gain essential skills to grow them. Nursing competencies that go beyond the basic clinical requirements and training is needed. These competencies include strong communication, critical thinking, leadership, and technological abilities. Mastering these nursing competencies makes a better nurse and opens more career opportunities. Discover the important nursing competencies needed for career growth. Gain experience, find better jobs, and become a healthcare team leader by improving these skills. The path to career advancement starts here. Nursing Competen... view blog & white papers details

When it comes to merit planning, managers often get stressed trying to distribute rewards in a fair and motivating way. With so many priorities, it can be tough to get it right. The good news is that with some simple methods, any manager can master effective merit planning. This article will walk through five easy tips to help take the pain out of the process. By following this easy guide, managers can gain confidence, distribute rewards equitably, and keep their team motivated. With a merit planning season coming up soon, now is the perfect time to pick up these useful pointers to make it a s... view blog & white papers details

As 2024 starts, HR teams know it is time for one of their most important projects: merit cycle pay planning. Determining pay raises that align to performance and keep budgets on track takes skill, insight, and the right tools. That is where's CompAnalyst comes in. This powerful and user-friendly platform makes pay planning for the merit cycle easier and more accurate than ever. This article explores how CompAnalyst takes the guesswork out of the process. This will help HR teams master merit cycle pay planning with CompAnalyst. Merit Cycle Compensation Planning with CompAnalyst With ... view blog & white papers details

Employees must adapt to a rapidly changing world and workplace. Technology has completely transformed how people work. This means there is a growing need for additional training to develop employee skills that are in high demand and more people-focused. Remote and hybrid work setups heavily influence the modern workplace. Many employees have discovered that working from home can be a good option. It is beneficial for both employees and employers, as it boosts productivity and reduces costs. What are Employee Skills? Employee skills are abilities that enable individuals to effectively fulfill ... view blog & white papers details

As a manager, you know the importance of using performance and market data to guide pay decisions. You want to reward your top performers and stay competitive in the market, but how do you find that sweet spot between the two? This article will walk you through best practices for using performance and market data together to make smart, fair pay decisions. You'll learn key metrics to track, sources for quality compensation data, and strategies to balance internal equity and external competitiveness. With the right approach, you can make data-driven pay decisions that boost retention, engagemen... view blog & white papers details

So, another year has flown by. As you look back over the last 12 months, what stands out? What were your biggest wins and key highlights? What obstacles did you overcome? It is important to take the time to reflect on your journey and growth throughout the year. Doing an annual year-end review is one of the best ways to gain valuable insights into what is working, determine where you can improve, and set new goals to crush next year. When you make it a habit to pause, evaluate your progress, and plan, you put yourself in the driver's seat of your own success and development. Use your year-end ... view blog & white papers details

Have you ever wondered how companies determine the skills and competencies required for distinct roles? Skills taxonomies are frameworks that help organizations do that. Thankfully, this guide explains skills taxonomies, why they matter, and how to use them in your organization. After reading this post, you will understand skills taxonomies and be able to build competency models for business growth. What Is a Skills Taxonomy? A skills taxonomy is a classification system that organizes skills, abilities, and competencies into a logical structure. They provide a common language to define and und... view blog & white papers details

Knowing what it takes to be an effective nurse in today's environment is critical in the nursing profession. Nursing isn't just about technical skills as there is so much more you need to know. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses or QSEN competencies refer to the skills, behaviors, and knowledge that nurses need. They need these QSEN competencies as they allow them to continuously improve both the quality and safety of the healthcare systems in which they work. There are 6 QSEN competencies that everyone in the nursing profession needs to be aware of. These are: Patient-Centered Care ... view blog & white papers details

The gender pay gap is the difference between what men and women make for the same work. Currently, women on average make 82 cents for every dollar men make. Due to the pandemic's impact on women in the workforce, the World Economic Forum estimates it will take 136 years to close the gap at the current rate of change. This is up from 100 years in 2019. The pandemic has added 36 years to the time that women and men would have pay equity. Why there's a gender pay gap The gender pay gap comes from cultural assumptions that men are the bread winners and should be paid more because they have fami... view blog & white papers details

Everyone knows about wage gaps. There is barely any proof to support such from the raw wage gap data. The gap is reduced to around 5 cents on the dollar when obscure factors like job choice, experience, education, and hours worked are considered. A few studies reveal that female employees, in their 20s and 30s now earn more money than males of the same age. In actuality, the wage gap is just a chronic error. What is the actual truth behind wage gaps? This article provides a comprehensive overview of the wage gap and clarifies the data that comes with it. Different Types of Modern Wage Gaps T... view blog & white papers details