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Alternate job titles: Pre Sales Technical Support Senior Manager

Oversees the design of enablement plans and configuration specifications and installation operations to implement integrated hardware and software systems and products purchased by customers. Develops standard processes and methodologies to prototype and test proposed solutions for feasibility, reliability, and quality. Directs the development of program and system specifications to meet customers' technical requirements and guide the enablement, configuration, or coding of products and solutions. Ensures the delivery of technical information, documentation, requirements, and cost estimates to... view job details

The Cloud Solutions Senior Manager makes strategic decisions about the development and modification of cloud applications, including infrastructure-as-a-service (IAAS) and platform-as-a-service (PAAS) platforms. Oversees and manages all aspects of an organization's cloud systems and strategy. Being a Cloud Solutions Senior Manager works collaboratively with stakeholders during the development, launch, and refinement of products and solutions. Leads the requirement gathering activities with stakeholders and vendors. In addition, Cloud Solutions Senior Manager develops and implements audit stand... view job details

The Technical Product Solutions Engineering Senior Manager oversees sales demo preparation and delivery and facilitates technical requirements gathering sessions. Manages all solutions support activities, including the pre-sales scoping process and the post-sales design and implementation activities for complex technical products. Being a Technical Product Solutions Engineering Senior Manager leads the planning and design of product configuration, custom solutions, enhancements, or upgrades and directs the delivery of problem resolution, repairs, or workarounds. Ensures the review of customer ... view job details

The Business Analysis/Technical Solutions Senior Manager utilizes consultative methodologies to research and analyze complex issues surrounding an organization's systems. Manages technology consulting projects and operations focused on improving and enhancing client business processes. Being a Business Analysis/Technical Solutions Senior Manager identifies technical infrastructure solutions for improving processes, efficiency, and practices of the organization's business systems. Guides the client in an assessment process to define the organization's needs and explore and evaluate solution opt... view job details


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Improving Businesses All of us practice project management in our lives, whether we know it or not. We are all involved in planning and organizing our everyday tasks, career, and work responsibilities. In the business world, project management is a high level skill, and a demanding career choice. Project managers are key employees in every industry and all types of companies, all over the world. Project Management itself is rapidly becoming one of the most important processes within a company. The number of PMs has risen considerably as companies have begun to realize the valuable benefits the... view article details

Ah, the holiday season magical time of year associated with snow-laden pine trees, ribbons and wrapping paper, the smell of gingerbread and sugar cookies . . . and office parties. Whether you can wait to mix and mingle with your co-workers, or whether you’d gladly give your raise and promotion to get a pass, attending the office party is, simply, a part of your job. This article explores five common situations associated with the office party, and shows you how to handle them.Situation: The party includes a cankee Swap?or secret Santa?and you need t... view article details

They call them the salt of the Earth; the people who spend their lives learning a specific labor, directly benefitting the public with effective service. There are all kinds of skilled laborers, many of whom choose to work at The Jim Beam Company – makers of the best-selling bourbon in the world. Meet Kevin Boone, Process Control Sr. Maintenance Supervisor at the Jim Beam distillery in Clermont, Kentucky. He works in one of the three principal Beam factories in the state, just twenty minutes outside Louisville. The history of the Beam brand dates back to 1795, when the first generation of the ... view article details

Working in the airline industry can take you places. Even from an elevation of only 110 feet -- the official above sea level height of the city of Everett – which is the site of The Boeing Company’s commercial airplane plant on Washington state's northernmost coast. The career path of Bridget Beckmyer-Johnson provides clear evidence of the 'sky’s the limit' type of opportunities available to the dedicated employee. Her passion for people and learning has transported her from an entry-level position as an airplane “sealer” all the way to management during her 15-year tenure at the plant.Between... view article details

Q. I'm an HR generalist. I've been with the same firm for five years, hired as an executive assistant to the president making $32k, one year later became administrative manager, then at the end of last year was promoted to HR manager, making $50k. I was promoted with the expectation that our company would grow rapidly. That reality has not taken place and although I have plenty to do in my role, I'm getting back the office management responsibilities I previously owned. I've handled five office lease expansions, telephones, benefits, new hires, orientations, terminations, etc. I have excelle... view article details

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Steve Brink is the President and Chief Revenue Officer of uFlexRewards, a digital global total rewards platform that combines multiple data silos into one real-time platform. At uFlexRewards, Steve is responsible for the growth of the client base which includes new clients, partnerships, and potential resellers. As you'll also hear, Steve was David's second ever boss! In this episode, Steve talks about how companies need to think outside the box to win talent in a rapidly changing and bizarre economic landscape. April 6, 2023 Time Stamps Contact Info Resources Quick Quotes Full Tr... view blog & white papers details

This is a special episode featuring a roundtable discussion that includes the following Senior Consultants from Greg Wolf the Managing Principal of's Consulting Practice, Rebecca Gorman a Principal of Compensation Consulting, Courtney LeCompte a VP of Compensation Consulting, Garry Straker a VP of Compensation Consulting, Eric McMillan a VP of Compensation Consulting, and Mara Marino a Senior Compensation Consultant. In this episode,'s Senior Consultants join David and Dwight for a roundtable discussion where each shares their predictions for 2024. October ... view blog & white papers details

A company's first executive hire sets the tone and agenda, attracting significant attention and expectations. How a startup's initial executive differs from an established firm's first C-suite hire reveals their contrasting priorities. While emerging players need operations gurus to build a foundation, legacy brands seek visionaries to spur innovation. Examining the contrasting choices in premier executive hires reveals how companies match roles with their growth stages and organizational culture. This analysis will showcase that a firm's first executive hire speaks volumes about its core valu... view blog & white papers details

As a manager, no matter how accessible you try to be, it is hard to regularly connect with each employee one-on-one. However, employee check-ins are key for understanding how your team members are doing, uncovering any issues early, and strengthening your relationships. So do not leave it up to chance encounters at the coffee machine. Make employee check-ins a consistent priority. This guide will walk you through how to schedule effective check-ins, drive meaningful conversations, and turn these touchpoints into powerful management tools. With some planning and commitment to the process, you w... view blog & white papers details

With remote work on the rise, companies aim to hire top talent no matter where they are. But how does location affect salaries for senior positions? Should you budget the same for entry-level and executive roles? This article examines how location influences pay across different levels of experience. You may be surprised to find that discounts often decrease for seasoned professionals. What Is Geographical Discounting? Geographical discounting adjusts salary offers for remote jobs depending on their locations. The company adjusts pay according to the location's living expenses. Some companies ... view blog & white papers details