What are the responsibilities and job description for the Lab Service Engineer/ Technician position at Acara Solutions?
Job Description
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Job Responsibilities
- Responsible for preventative maintenance, troubleshooting, upgrades, and calibration on the equipment in the applications lab.
- Performs the preventative/corrective maintenance using the required Personal Protective Equipment which may include APR (Air Purifying Respirator) and/or SCBA (Self
-Contained Breathing Apparatus) for safe handling of hazardous materials. - Works closely with engineering team to support Process Development, Hardware, and Software R&D activities and customer demos/projects.
- Installs and supports prototype equipment and may develop procedure/documentation as needed in support of design and R&D activities which likely have little or no written procedures.
- Working knowledge on lab facility (such as gas infrastructure, chiller, pump, abatement) will be highly recommended. Gas facility work including the following below will be required. The necessary safety and OJT training will be provided.
- Thorough understanding and installation of all gas related components, such as manual/air operated valves, flow switches, Mass Flow Controllers, VCR/C
-seal. - Installation of gas lines on process module gas box, platform facility and interface box.
- Gas lines preparation work and post installation gas lines recovery.
- Knowledge of facility gas delivery such as bottle sources, VMB (Gas Valve Manifold Box).
- Knowledge of hazardous production materials, understanding the difference of the inert, flammable, toxic and corrosive gases.
- Familiar with helium leak detection methods and vacuum systems.
- Works closely with facility teams, system owners and users to execute the gas line facility project.
- Thorough understanding and installation of all gas related components, such as manual/air operated valves, flow switches, Mass Flow Controllers, VCR/C
- Electrical testing/troubleshooting (including 480V related tasks) will be required. Personal Protective Equipment and safety training will be provided.
- This job may include field and direct customer support. It may also require training Field Service Engineers, Engineering Technicians, other Laboratory Service Engineers, or Process Engineers from regional accounts.
-1 OPT STEM work authorization status.
That’s why, for over 60 years, we’ve engaged our candidates with a high-touch, consultative approach that affords us a clear vision of ideal career paths, and it’s why we consistently gain the trust of our employees and customers alike. Acara is in the business of scouting talent, evaluating human potential, recognizing commonalities between people and employers, and changing lives in the process. Because in an increasingly commoditized world, we believe some things still deserve a personal touch. Finding the best-fit jobs for you is one of them.
Company Description
Salary : $32 - $0