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Antiques Dealer Salary in North Dakota

How much does an Antiques Dealer make in North Dakota? The salary range for an Antiques Dealer job is from $72,809 to $102,353 per year in North Dakota. Click on the filter to check out Antiques Dealer job salaries by hourly, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, and yearly.

Average base salary
updated at January 01, 2025
Per Year
The average salary for an Antiques Dealer is $88,427
per Year in North Dakota.
Individually reported data submitted by users of our website


Employees: Use this as a guide for salary expectations, but be aware that responsibilities can change across companies for the same job title, so there may be differences between this data, other free site and our subscription products bought by employers.

Employers: This data could be used as reference point in your market pricing, but not the only source, due to differences across jobs locations, and sizes of companies.Consider additional sources like our Employer reported data.

Base Salary

Highest Paying Cities for Antiques Dealer in North Dakota

Here are the top eight that pay the highest Antiques Dealer salary in ND. Due to the cost of living in different locations, the Antiques Dealer salary will also be different. Bismarck with the highest wage for the Antiques Dealer in North Dakota has a high living wage too. Explore more salary information by clicking the city name.

States with Higher Salaries for Antiques Dealer

Antiques Dealer works in North Dakota will receive the highest salary in the United States, followed by California, New Jersey. These states have more job opportunities than other places. At the same time, the competition will be fiercer too. People need to improve their competitiveness to get a job in these cities.

How Much Do Similar Professions Get Paid in North Dakota?

The Antiques Dealer jobs have a lot of different directions. And, the job title can also be quite different from in diverse companies. Some job titles may not include the Antiques Dealer, while they have the Antiques Dealer responsibilities. So, here are some similar jobs and their salaries. Click the link which you are interested in to explore more data.
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How Much Should You Be Earning?

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What Does an Antiques Dealer Do?

HARTFORD -- Wayne Pratt, an antiques dealer who appeared on public television, figured in the corruption scandal that toppled former governor John G.

December 22, 2021

While looking through garage sales and second hand goods can make for a great way to build inventory, looking through the inventories of fellow antique dealers can also yield great finds.

December 22, 2021

When we arrived for breakfast, antique dealers were setting out their stalls in the bright sunshine and there was not another tourist in sight.

December 21, 2021

To exchange items, one must select those which they do not want from their inventory and offer them to the Antiques Dealer in exchange for Trade Coins that they can use within his shop.

December 18, 2021

Much like the Friend's Tavern, The Antiques Dealer will appear in your city as a ruin if you have not unlocked it.

December 18, 2021

Most Common Benefits for Antiques Dealer

Social Security
Time Off (days)

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about salaries for an Antiques Dealer
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HARTFORD -- Wayne Pratt, an antiques dealer who appeared on public television, figured in the corruption scandal that toppled former governor John G.
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Check the below career pages for detailed pay ranges for similar professions to Antiques Dealer:
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Baldwin pays the highest Antiques Dealer wage. Get personal salary report to explore more salary information in different cities.
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The Antiques Dealer salary range is $72,809 to $102,353 in ND.
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