What Is the Average Accountant/Contract Administrator Salary by State

State Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
District of Columbia $83,019 $6,918 $1,597 $40
California $82,274 $6,856 $1,582 $40
New Jersey $81,751 $6,813 $1,572 $39
Alaska $81,229 $6,769 $1,562 $39
Massachusetts $81,155 $6,763 $1,561 $39

Accountant/Contract Administrator Salary Paid by States in the U.S.

Accountant/Contract Administrator salaries are above the national average in 19 states. District of Columbia pays the most for Accountant/Contract Administrator, followed by California and New Jersey. The salary of an Accountant/Contract Administrator in District of Columbia is 11.3(%) higher than $74,591(national average).
In states with high Accountant/Contract Administrator salaries, there are more relevant career opportunities. These states may have more chances to get a better salary in this position.
Aside from salary, Accountant/Contract Administrator must consider the cost of living in different states. Moving to a place with a high salary and more open employment while the cost of living is lower is the best option for an Accountant/Contract Administrator.
Check out Accountant/Contract Administrator jobs in Columbus, Ohio

Administrator in Training

Genesis Healthcare - South Charleston, WV

Administrator in Training

Genesis Health - South Charleston, WV

Administrator in Training

Genesis Health - Charleston, WV

Administrator in Training

Genesis Health - Charleston, WV

How Much Do Accountant/Contract Administrator Jobs Pay Per Year?

National Average
$74,591/ year