What Is the Average ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD Salary by State

State Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
District of Columbia $68,038 $5,670 $1,308 $33
California $67,427 $5,619 $1,297 $32
New Jersey $66,999 $5,583 $1,288 $32
Alaska $66,571 $5,548 $1,280 $32
Massachusetts $66,510 $5,543 $1,279 $32

ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD Salary Paid by States in the U.S.

ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD salaries are above the national average in 19 states. District of Columbia pays the most for ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD, followed by California and New Jersey. The salary of an ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD in District of Columbia is 11.3(%) higher than $61,131(national average).
In states with high ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD salaries, there are more relevant career opportunities. These states may have more chances to get a better salary in this position.
Aside from salary, ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD must consider the cost of living in different states. Moving to a place with a high salary and more open employment while the cost of living is lower is the best option for an ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD.
Check out ADMIN CPO/DEPARTMENT HEAD jobs in Columbus, Ohio

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National Average
$61,131/ year