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Develops multiple relationships with buying influences in the customer's organization, including facility manager, project managers, project engineers, and purchasing. Understand that the combination of Agile development and start-up environment means that things change often, and an ability to roll with new developments will be expected. Create and maintain real-time reports and dashboards on the status of the website, including bookings and conversion, site performance, content, failures, widgets, airline performance, supplier performance, margin over ad-spend etc. view job details


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Hooray! This "pawsome" day has finally come. It’s Take Your Dog to Work Day 2018. Instead of leaving your four-legged friends at home – their sad eyes piercing your soul as you sneak out the back door feeling shame-faced – you can bring your furry companion along to the office (on the condition your workplace is participating, of course)! You will be your pupper’s watchful "humanager" for the day. You will conduct rigorous "furformance" reviews. Everyone will be cheerful and take a “pat break” at noon. A corgi named Banana Bread will pant along to your favorite song on Spotify. A Great Dane th... view article details

When it comes to careers, most of us are looking for the same thing -- fulfilling, meaningful work we enjoy that also pays the bills.While many people spend a good portion of their working lives looking for a career that meets these elusive parameters, there are some animals that have managed to achieve this balance quite nicely.This article explores six animal careers that put the 'fun' in job function. How does your job measure up? 1. Animal actors have it made Animal actors live comfortably with their every need taken care of and their days spent 'playing' on set with actors and tr... view article details

So, you taught your dog to catch a Frisbee and your parrot to squawk 'Loser!' when your brother walks into the room. Well done.The rewards of animal training are many -- ranging from the obvious advantages of a puddle-free house to the potential 15 minutes of 'stupid pet trick' fame on Letterman.  But it goes both ways. Our pets also model valuable behaviors worth emulating, such as loyalty, trust and affection. Are you learning, Teacher? Consider what pet traits are worth following and which demand avoidance in the workplace. Here are a few....Old dogs can -- and should -- learn new tricks ... view article details

Feeling at Ease with Negotiating Here’s a test. Over the past year, what has been the typical response when you ask people “How’ve you been?” My guess is that very few answer, “Actually, I’ve been incredibly relaxed, calm, and productive.” Most likely they say, “I’m so busy!” “Things have been so crazy!” “I’m so swamped at work!” “I’m exhausted and busy and crazy!” I could go on.So when the end of the year rolls around, it seems that is the time that people finally set aside time to be with family, unplug from the working world, relax and recover. But what if you could feel more relax... view article details

Q: I am an accountant for a franchise owner and I am salaried. I understand that this means being exempt from the time clock, overtime, etc. There are times when I might work over the weekend or past the normal business day. My manager tells me there is no such thing as comp time and even that it is against the law to allow time off for extra time worked. This is the first I've heard of such nonsense.Are there laws on this subject for salaried employees? I've missed one day in the last six months, and I was docked a day's pay. How do you take away a day of earnings from someone who is salaried... view article details

Blog & White papers

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Bloomberg Baystate Business for Monday, May 3rd, 2021-Anne Gardner, Providence Journal reporter, on Hot Rod Charlie and the local connection to the Kentucky Derby-Erik Wasson, Bloomberg News reporter, on President Joe Biden's spending plan-Matt Murphy, State House News Service senior reporter, on the Governor's vaccine rollout-Joe Bishop, Peak Season Workforce President, on the struggle to find workers on Cape Cod this summer.-Catherine Carlock, Boston business Journal real estate reporter, on the changing landscape of the waterfront.-Clint Paige, Wheelworks Owner, on the lack of available bic... view blog & white papers details

Bloomberg Baystate Business for Monday, May 3rd, 2021-Anne Gardner, Providence Journal reporter, on Hot Rod Charlie and the local connection to the Kentucky Derby-Erik Wasson, Bloomberg News reporter, on President Joe Biden's spending plan-Matt Murphy, State House News Service senior reporter, on the Governor's vaccine rollout-Joe Bishop, Peak Season Workforce President, on the struggle to find workers on Cape Cod this summer.-Catherine Carlock, Boston business Journal real estate reporter, on the changing landscape of the waterfront.-Clint Paige, Wheelworks Owner, on the lack of available bic... view blog & white papers details

You've been probably managing remote work for years now. At first, it seemed like a short-term challenge, but now remote work is the new normal. Leading a distributed team during a pandemic brings a whole new set of challenges. You may be asking: how do you keep people engaged and motivated when you can't see them in person? How do you build trust and connection across the miles? The good news is with the right strategies and tools, you can be an effective remote leader. Embracing the new normal in managing remote work For many of us managing remote work, it isn't business as usual because we... view blog & white papers details

Benefits go far in enticing top talent to join and stay in your organization. Some offer immediate rewards, while others look to the future. Deferred compensation plans are concerned with future investments. They are a way to decrease immediate income and taxes, saving the amount for a later date. Qualified vs. Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans Deferred compensation plans withhold a portion of an employee's income. These include 401(k)s, pensions, and stock options. This perk lets employees elect and withdraw a certain amount of their income. The employee later withdraws the amount a... view blog & white papers details

Ever feel like your to-do list at work is never-ending? Between meetings, emails, projects, and daily tasks, the hours slip away, and you can barely catch your breath. Now imagine if you had your own personal assistant at work to help take care of some of those annoying chores. Enter workplace concierge services-the newest must-have employee benefit. Companies are now offering resolute concierge teams to manage things like dry cleaning drop-off and pick-up, lunch delivery, vehicle maintenance scheduling, and more. With a workplace concierge, you can cross those annoying errands off your list a... view blog & white papers details