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Ever wonder what exactly workers' compensation insurance is? You've heard the term thrown around at your job, but you're still unsure of the details. Workers' compensation insurance works to protect both employers and employees in the event of work-related injuries or illnesses. As an employee, it ensures you will receive medical care and wage replacement benefits if you get hurt or sick because of your job. For employers, it protects against the risk of expensive lawsuits. Workers' compensation provides no-fault coverage, which means you can claim the benefits regardless of who is at fault fo... view blog & white papers details

Cybercriminals want your identity and bank account, making it crucial to protect against such threats. Due to data breaches, most people have had their personal information compromised. Since you work at least 40 hours a week, identity theft insurance makes sense as an employee benefit. Knowing that their identities and finances are safe in the worst-case scenario will please your employees. That said, companies must offer identity theft insurance as identity theft rises. Keeping valued employees safe and loyal is a small price. Identity Theft Insurance Protects Employees in the Digital Age Sa... view blog & white papers details

Most companies provide health insurance for their employees, but do you know how satisfied your team is with their plans? An can uncover crucial insights to help improve your benefits package and keep employees happy and productive. Every year, the options, and costs in the healthcare industry change, so the needs and opinions of employees change as well. By sending out a short and simple survey once a year, you will get feedback straight from the source about what is working and what needs work regarding health insurance. The data you gather will be invaluable in negotiating with providers a... view blog & white papers details

Have you ever wondered what happens if you suddenly lose your job? How will you pay your bills or provide for your family without a steady income? Unemployment insurance will help you get by after an involuntary job loss. Unemployment insurance helps millions of people each year. Most employers pay unemployment insurance taxes, which fund the program. If you're out of work through no fault of your own, such as a layoff, you'll qualify for unemployment benefits. The program aims to provide you with a portion of your previous income for a fixed number of weeks while you search for new work. What... view blog & white papers details

Life insurance at work is vital these days as it helps protect employees and their families from unexpected events that can happen. Understanding the value of this benefit is essential for employers and employees alike. This article explains the different types of life insurance available through work and why they are beneficial. The Importance of Life Insurance as an Employee Benefit Life insurance serves as a shield against unforeseen circumstances. It provides financial support to employees' families in the event of their untimely demise. For employees, having life insurance coverage throug... view blog & white papers details

Companies need the best, top-performing employees to succeed in today's competitive market. But to get the top talent, you have to offer the rewards and benefits that attract them to join your team. One of the most important benefits you can provide is employee health insurance. When job seekers check companies, health insurance is at the top of their search. Candidates want to know if they will have coverage in case of illness or injury. They want the security of knowing that any medical needs are affordable. That's why investing in their well-being with health insurance is a clever idea. Em... view blog & white papers details

Not everyone can afford to be sick and take time off from work, but sickness or accidents cannot be controlled. So, when things don't go as planned, State Disability Insurance can come in handy. It's important to understand how State Disability Insurance works to keep your finances safe. Keep reading to find out what State Disability Insurance is and how it can benefit you. Defining State Disability Insurance State disability insurance claims are requests for financial assistance due to an inability to work. You can use this benefit if you live in a participating state and contribute to the pr... view blog & white papers details

Over the years, compensation statements have gained popularity among employers. It serves as a visual reminder of the company's financial commitment to its employees. Pay stubs or bank notifications only paint a part of the picture. A compensation statement, on the other hand, completes the image. Its importance lies in keeping employees well-informed about their pay. By clearly understanding their total compensation, employees are more likely to feel valued for their work and more inclined to stay with the company. What Is a Compensation Statement? A compensation statement is a comprehensive... view blog & white papers details

Unemployment rates have fallen to historic lows. This phenomenon led to employers struggling to find qualified candidates for job openings. In a "war for talent," companies offered higher salaries and flexible work arrangements to attract and retain top employees. This is great news for job seekers. If you are looking for a new job, you are in a strong position to negotiate a better salary, benefits, and work-life balance. You can also be more selective about the jobs you apply for, and you can afford to turn down offers that are not a good fit. In this article, we'll discuss the following: ... view blog & white papers details

Change is constant in the workforce industry. Trends in compensation management change sometimes to meet the workforce's demands. Compensation managers must stay updated on the latest trends to attract and keep the best employees. This article looks into the newest trends in compensation management, including new ways to pay and modern rewards. Knowing these trends will help companies reach important business goals. Keep reading to find out what is fresh in the world of compensation. Introduction to Compensation Management Compensation management is the strategies and practices involved in re... view blog & white papers details