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The manufacturing industry has struggled in recent years to update its public perception and attract an evolving workforce. In an effort to inspire the next generation of manufacturers, Manufacturing Day was created and strives to address common misperceptions about the industry by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show what manufacturing is — and what it isn’t. In honor of this day – which always falls on the first Friday in October – we compiled a list of 10 jobs in the manufacturing realm along with their average salaries (thanks to data). Read on to se... view article details

Anthony Hankinson is not only reaching for the stars, he’s making sure you’re safe when you’re flying among them.Hankinson, a 31-year-old husband and father, is a manufacturing engineering planner at The Boeing Company in North Charleston, S.C. As a member of the Electrical Corrective Actions team, Hankinson takes care of electrical issues that might arise in Boeing’s popular 787 Dreamliner airplane. But even though Hankinson now works at the world’s largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners with 170,000 employees in 70 countries, it took some old-fashioned elb... view article details

Check Out These High-Paying, Entry Level Careers Perfect for Recent College Graduates College is Over -- Get a Job! The month of May brings us Mother's Day, the Kentucky Derby and -- most importantly -- college graduations. After four long years of toiling and late-night study sessions, graduates have their caps, gowns, and that diploma is waiting for you across the stage. But the biggest question for all graduating college seniors is whether or not they have a job. In honor of society's newest entrants to the labor market, let’s take a look at some of the hottest jobs for this year's crop ... view article details

"Insourcing" Means Employers Are Finding It Less Expensive to Have Employees Stateside It's a familiar story: labor costs get too high, so management decides it will be best, in the long-run, to send jobs to another country. Only this time, the story has a twist ending. It is China – long considered an oasis of exceedingly cheap workers – that is losing jobs and the United States that is gaining them. Over the past two years, several major and not-so-major companies that had been outsourcing work to China have decided to bring some of the jobs back to the U.S. The trend -- often called "reshor... view article details

Real talk - the amount of compensation you receive does not speak to your success. There are many other factors in and out of the workplace that determine your personal notion of "being successful.” Wealth can't buy happiness directly, but some folks crave a lifestyle that is only possible if you're making your way up to and over half a million bucks. Here are 10 jobs that tend to pay more than $175,000. 1) Podiatrist: $197,380 A Podiatrist examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases and injuries of the foot. Like any good doctor, this foot expert recommends tests to help diagnose the condition a... view article details

In a study by the American Society for Training and Development, more than 750 U.S organizations provided data about their expenditures on training programs as a percentage of payroll and on a per-employee basis. Here's how they compare by industry on several key factors.Business sector Commitment to learningServices (hotels; professional, business, and personal services; educational, legal, social, and consumer services)High percentage spent on training and a significant increase in the use of new learning technologies, including computer-based training, the Internet, and teleconferencing.IT ... view article details

Most of us have heard of the strategic petroleum reserve. This national stockpile generally contains about 700 million barrels of oil, some of which can be sold off if the commercial supply is disrupted. The strategic reserve helps ward off extreme price spikes and acute shortages. But the United States isn't the only country hoarding valuable resources and petroleum isn't the only substance being squirreled away for a rainy day. Let's just say that if China and Canada got together, they could serve one seriously epic breakfast.So let's take a brief tour of some of the world's most intriguing ... view article details

Job description Engineers research and develop solutions to technical needs in society. They design products, materials, machinery, factories, systems, structures, and much more. Their main work lies in ensuring efficiency, and working to constantly improve the quality of all aspects of life. They also analyze the impact their projects have had on the environment and society. Most engineers specialize in a certain area, there are more than 25 specialties recognized by professional engineering societies and each area has many divisions. Engineers will also sometimes choose to specialize in a s... view article details

Set Yourself Apart by Showcasing Your Value Demonstrating value for employers is a way to set yourself apart from the competition even before you land the job. The value for you is that such a distinctive approach is likely to accelerate your successful hire! An effective strategy for showing your value is to develop a plan to identify and solve problems for the company, using tact in case the person who created the gaffe is also the hiring manager!5. Research the Company To accelerate your job search using this approach, you must target a specific company of interest. If you... view article details

Michelle Babineau of Boston, Mass. has been laid off three times in seven months. The dot-com veteran has been through it all: the conference with a terse manager and human resources representative; the company-wide announcement led by a weeping CEO; and the 'let-go' meeting at an offsite location. Her third job lasted five days. 'The CEO quit on the day I started,' Babineau said.Can they do that? Unfortunately, they can - and do. There are a few protections for employees, however. Understanding the implication of laws your employer has had to consider helps you to position yourself as well as... view article details