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One of the most important and generous benefits a company can offer is tuition reimbursement, a contractual arrangement between employer and employee that outlines specific terms under which the employer may pay for the employee's continuing education. Today, tuition reimbursement benefits are also called tuition assistance, and vary greatly from company to company. It generally takes a solid, well-established company to be able to offer what could amount to $10,000 per semester or more for eligible employees. So don't look for too many startups to include tuition assistance as a regular part... view article details

“My meeting to ask for a raise went terribly.”Needless to say, this is about the worst thing you can hear after giving someone advice on how to negotiate, but once in awhile it happens. Like many things in life, a test of one’s character isn’t how they live their life when things are good, it’s how they react when faced with a challenge.Let’s look at a case study from the viewpoint of Kristin, a marketing assistant. There is a 3-step process for our company reviews:Fill out an evaluation formHave a review discussion with your managerFollow up with upper management to discuss compensationI have... view article details

The rules of performance reviews are changing. Not too long ago, management guru Peter Block said, 'The performance review is the company's opportunity to prove to you, once again, that they own you.' But as employees gain better access to information and assume more responsibility for managing their careers, the performance review is becoming another opportunity for you to demonstrate value to your company.The Purpose of a Performance ReviewPerformance reviews give employees and employers a chance to evaluate regularly whether they are happy with each other. The review is a meeting between yo... view article details

Know What You Need to Succeed When a Firm Handshake Isn't Possible: 8 Skype Interview Tips Online Job Interviews More Common Than Ever Organizations interested in reaching a diverse applicant pool are finding it easier than ever to search well beyond their backyards for ideal employees. Thanks to technology, a growing number of companies are using virtual interview software and applications to screen the field of contenders without spending loads of time and money on travel. A virtual interview allows employers and candidates to "meet" and interact using video, instant messaging programs, an... view article details

1. You're Running on Empty Workers of the world, come clean: Who among us hasn't laid our head on the table, dozed off on a conference room couch, or curled up behind our desk in the middle of the day? Don't feel guilty. You're not alone. The Pew Research Center reported in 2009 that about 34 percent of adults surveyed had napped during the previous day. We are an exhausted crew. Most working Americans sleep six or less hours a night, instead of the recommended 7 to 9 hours.2. You're Working Longer, Getting Less Done Americans have the longest working... view article details

Competition is Fierce As you progress throughout your career, may you have the good fortune of consistently being the unanimous, nobody-else-comes-close, top candidate for every job that you apply for. Perhaps it’s because your talent and expertise is undeniable. Maybe friends or old co-workers continually reach out to you to join them in their latest venture. Some of you might wisely take the path of least resistance by seeking out jobs through referrals so that you don’t have to compete with the masses.For everyone else, you're probably facing a very competitive job market. Let’s fa... view article details

Today's seniors may either feel the pinch of the economy or be bored at home initiating the desire to return to the workforce. Volunteer work has been the standby for many retirees, but many are looking for second careers and, in some cases, a way to supplement their retirement income. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of Americans 55 years and older will be working by 2015. Many post-retirees want to utilize their experience while allowing part-time or flexible hours. Here we suggest some employment alternatives for seniors looking to get back into the workforce... view article details

Today’s seniors may either feel the pinch of the economy or be bored at home initiating the desire to return to the workforce. Volunteer work has been the standby for many retirees, but many are looking for second careers and, in some cases, a way to supplement their retirement income. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of Americans 55 years and older will be working by 2015. Many post-retirees want to utilize their experience while allowing part-time or flexible hours. Here we suggest some employment alternatives for seniors looking to get back into the workforce. Of... view article details

What's Your Career Personality Type? We all know good, qualified people who just couldn’t succeed at a certain company. Why not? Many times it's because they just weren’t the right cultural fit.This fit -- which has less to do with your qualifications and skills and more to do with your personality type -- is vital to employers and hiring managers. You can have all the skills in the world, but if you're not going to mesh with the team or the company, they won't do you much good. These types, also known as archetypes, have been around since the beginning of storytelling. Everyone from ... view article details

In an economy where employees are often overworked and many businesses are pulling the plug on raises and extra benefits, some companies are shining stars when it comes to offering their employees cool perks. Most organizations say that they value their employees and offer generous benefits packages. But we’ve searched around and found employers that offer much more than standard benefits. Check out our round-up of 14 companies that offer their employees unusual and incredible perks. 1. Google Mountain View, CA-based Google doesn't just offer employees a stimulating environment to work and c... view article details