How much does a LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager make in Colorado Springs, CO?
As of March 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager in Colorado Springs, CO is $119,600. According to, salaries can range from a low of $95,910 to a high of $143,672, with most professionals earning between $107,200 and $132,200.
How much does a LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager make by hour, week, month, and year? provides you with accurate and diversified LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager salary data based on specialized databases to help you get a fairer salary.
Click the switch button below to see more details about LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager hourly pay, weekly pay, monthly pay and so on.
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Annual Salary |
Monthly Pay |
Weekly Pay |
Hourly Wage |
75th Percentile |
$132,200 |
$11,017 |
$2,542 |
$64 |
Average |
$119,600 |
$9,967 |
$2,300 |
$58 |
25th Percentile |
$107,200 |
$8,933 |
$2,062 |
$52 |
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
How Does Experience Level Affect a LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager's Salary?
An entry-level LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager with under 1 year experience makes about $114,320.
With less than 2 years of experience, a mid-level LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager makes around $114,682.
After 2-4 years, the LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager pay rises to about $115,588.
Those senior LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager with 5-8 years of experience earn roughly $117,037, and those LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager having 8 years or more experience are expected to earn about $119,615 on average.
Levels |
Salary |
Entry Level LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager
Intermediate Level LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager
Senior Level LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager
Specialist Level LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager
Expert Level LAN/WAN Integration Design and Deployment Manager
0 yr
< 2 yrs
2-4 yrs
5-8 yrs
> 8 yrs
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Entry Level
Mid Level
Senior Level
Top Level
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Last Updated on March 01, 2025