Annual Salary |
Monthly Pay |
Weekly Pay |
Hourly Wage |
75th Percentile | $201,310 | $16,776 | $3,871 | $97 |
Average | $183,670 | $15,306 | $3,532 | $88 |
25th Percentile | $167,590 | $13,966 | $3,223 | $81 |
An entry-level Product Design Engineering Senior Manager with under 1 year experience makes about $172,901. With less than 2 years of experience, a mid-level Product Design Engineering Senior Manager makes around $174,334. After 2-4 years, the Product Design Engineering Senior Manager pay rises to about $176,244. Those senior Product Design Engineering Senior Manager with 5-8 years of experience earn roughly $178,632, and those Product Design Engineering Senior Manager having 8 years or more experience are expected to earn about $181,020 on average.
Levels | Salary |
Entry Level Product Design Engineering Senior Manager | $172,901 |
Intermediate Level Product Design Engineering Senior Manager | $174,334 |
Senior Level Product Design Engineering Senior Manager | $176,244 |
Specialist Level Product Design Engineering Senior Manager | $178,632 |
Expert Level Product Design Engineering Senior Manager | $181,020 |
Entry Level | 6% |
Mid Level | 5% |
Senior Level | 4% |
Top Level | 3% |
Experienced | 1% |
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Each competency has five to ten behavioral assertions that can be observed, each with a corresponding performance level (from one to five) that is required for a particular job.
Analysis: Analysis is the process of considering something carefully or using statistical methods in order to understand it or explain it.
User Stories: In software development and product management, a user story is an informal, natural language description of one or more features of a software system. User stories are often written from the perspective of an end user or user of a system. They are often recorded on index cards, on Post-it notes, or in project management software. Depending on the project, user stories may be written by various stakeholders including clients, users, managers or development team members. User stories are a type of boundary object. They facilitate sensemaking and communication; that is, they help software teams organize their understanding of the system and its context. User stories are often confused with system requirements. A requirement is a formal description of need; a user story is an informal description of a feature.
Product Design: Product design as a verb is to create a new product to be sold by a business to its customers. A very broad coefficient and effective generation and development of ideas through a process that leads to new products. Thus, it is a major aspect of new product development. Due to the absence of a consensually accepted definition that reflects the breadth of the topic sufficiently, two discrete, yet interdependent, definitions are needed: one that explicitly defines product design in reference to the artifact, the other that defines the product design process in relation to this artifact. Product design as a noun: the set of properties of an artifact, consisting of the discrete properties of the form (i.e., the aesthetics of the tangible good and/or service) and the function (i.e. its capabilities) together with the holistic properties of the integrated form and function.
Skill | Salary | Demand |
Business Development
$203,874 |
Financial Services
$198,364 |
Use Cases
$196,527 |
$196,527 |
$191,017 |
$191,017 |