How much does a Flooring Salesman make in the United States? The salary range for a Flooring Salesman job is from $27,209 to $34,857 per year in the United States. Click on the filter to check out Flooring Salesman job salaries by hourly, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, and yearly.
Paris, France, Salesman Showing Samples to CLients, Sustainable Development / Ecological Buildings Trade Show, Ecobat, Ecological Wood Flooring Products.
December 18, 2021
Paris, France, Salesman Showing Samples to CLients, Sustainable Development / Ecological Buildings Trade Show, Ecobat, Ecological Wood Flooring Products, sustainable investing, wooden products.
December 16, 2021
Aggressive salesman, 33 years old, with fol- lowing throughout New Jersey and New York States, desires to communicate with some reliable manufacturer or wholesaler of spruce lumber and lath and possibly hard- wood flooring, who.
October 19, 2021