How much does a Rehabilitation Specialist make in the United States? The salary range for a Rehabilitation Specialist job is from $26,263 to $37,931 per year in the United States. Click on the filter to check out Rehabilitation Specialist job salaries by hourly, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, and yearly.
There are a number of different jobs within the rehabilitation field including rehabilitation counseling, vocational rehabilitation and rehabilitation specialist.
December 18, 2021
Rehabilitation specialists help individuals with physical and mental disabilities reintegrate into society and live independently.
December 07, 2021
Rehabilitation specialists work with other rehabilitation professionals and would not be expected to conduct rehabilitation exercises without help, but they can assist with exercises in which they've received training.
December 05, 2021
Employers require rehabilitation specialists to have a bachelor's degree, but many employers may desire a worker with a master's degree in rehabilitation counseling.
December 02, 2021
Our virtual rehabilitation classes focusing on low-level exercises – these are guided by ongoing monitoring of your symptoms including breathlessness and fatigue levels, as well as specific outcome measures identified by you and your Rehabilitation Specialist.
November 26, 2021