Art Tutor Salary in the United States Comparison by Location
United States
District of Columbia
How much does an Art Tutor earn in the United States?
As of January 01, 2025, an Art Tutor in the United States earns
an average salary of $54,342 per year.
An Art Tutor's salary can be paid hourly,
weekly or monthly depending on the company and job type.
Most part-time jobs will be paid hourly or weekly.
Using the salary calculator, the average pay comes out to be about
$26 an hour,
or $4,528/month.
The average salary of an Art Tutor ranges
from $48,750 to $60,877.
The average salary range for an Art Tutor varies widely,
which indicates that there are many opportunities for advancement, promotions, and salary increases.
These opportunities depend on many factors, including skills, education, certifications, location, and years of experience.
According to job salary data displays, Art Tutor in District of Columbia and California are high in demand.
Art Tutor in District of Columbia earn an average salary of $60,482 per year,
which is $6,141(11.3%)
more than the national average of $54,342.
District of Columbia is ranked as the top salary of an Art Tutor nationwide.
What is the Average Art Tutor Salary by City?
Below is a list of the average salaries for an Art Tutor in 10 cities in the United States.
We've identified 354 cities
where the typical salary for an Art Tutor job is above the national average.
The highest paying city for an Art Tutor is in San Jose, CA,
and the average salary for an Art Tutor job is $68,199,
which is higher than the national average.
This is followed by Santa Clara, CA
and Fremont, CA in second and third places,
which beat the national average by $13,857(25.5%)
and $13,748(25.3%) respectively. In fourth place is Daly City, CA,
which pays $13,585(25%),
above the national average. San Francisco, CA, Oakland, CA and Berkeley, CA continue the rankings.
Based on the summary of average salaries paid by cities,
the Art Tutor job market in San Jose, CA is relatively active
with a higher-paying salary compared to other cities in the United States.
Finally, Art Tutor jobs pay differently based on the city, even if they are in the same state.
The cost of living might be a key factor when considering the location and salary of an Art Tutor position.
Annual Salary
Monthly Pay
Weekly Pay
Hourly Wage
San Jose
Santa Clara
Daly City
San Francisco
Union City
West New York
What Similar Jobs are Paid to Art Tutor in the U.S.?
There are 11 jobs that we find are related to the Art Tutor job category,these similar jobs include Tutor,Art Director,Art Manager,Private Tutor,Online Tutor,University Tutor,Music Tutor,Accounting Tutor,Act Tutor,Tutor Coordinator,and Assistant Tutor.
All of these 11 jobs are paid
between $30,998 to $150,542,
and the Art Director gets the highest paid with $150,542 from them.
Those similar job salaries are paid differently by many factors such as company size, department base, responsibility, and others.
If you're qualified to be hired for one of these similar jobs to the Art Tutor,
you could refer to the below list of job salaries based on market prices in the United States.