Fishing Tool Supervisor Salary in Fries, VA Comparison by Location
United States
How much does a Fishing Tool Supervisor make in Fries, VA?
As of October 01, 2024, a Fishing Tool Supervisor in Fries,
VA earns an average salary of $58,075 per year.
A Fishing Tool Supervisor's salary in Fries, VA
can be paid hourly, weekly, or monthly depending on the company and job type.
Most part-time jobs will be paid hourly or weekly.
Using the salary calculator,
the average pay comes out to be about $28 an hour
or $1,117/week,
or $4,840/month.
The average salary for a Fishing Tool Supervisor ranges
from $50,964 to $67,822.
The average salary range for Fishing Tool Supervisor varies widely,
which indicates that there are many opportunities for advancement, promotions, and salary increases.
These opportunities depend on many factors, including skills, education, certifications, location, and years of experience.
Fries is ranked 503th out of 841 cities
in the state of Virginia for Fishing Tool Supervisor salaries. helps you determine your exact pay target
by estimating the most accurate annual salary range for Fishing Tool Supervisor jobs,
with more online, real-time compensation data than any other website.
Check outFishing Tool Supervisorjobs inFries, Virginia