What's the difference between Assistant Solicitor General and Assistant Solicitor?
According to our latest salary estimation on February 01, 2025. The average salary of Assistant Solicitor is $70,308, and the average salary of Assistant Solicitor General is $63,501. The average salary of Assistant Solicitor General is lower than Assistant Solicitor. ( 2025-01-20 salary.com )
I am an Assistant Solicitor, which location’s salary is higher, Biloxi, MS or Kearney, NE?
Kearney, NE typically sees higher pay than Biloxi, MS for Assistant Solicitor. an Assistant Solicitor Salary in Kearney, NE is $64,683 as of February 01, 2025; an Assistant Solicitor Salary in Biloxi, MS is $62,293 as of February 01, 2025. ( 2025-01-20 salary.com )