Assisting with discharge planning, participating in special clinical projects and communicate with departmental and plan administrative staff to facilitate daily operations of the Integrated Case Management functions.
March 20, 2023
Performs service coordination functions of assessing, planning, linking, monitoring, and advocating for members served to ensure success in living in community.
December 13, 2022
Participates in weekly team meetings, treatment team meetings, and all staff meetings Participates in the development of MonDay policy and procedures Performs public relations with all personnel and the community Obtains annual training as required Performs other duties as required.
December 15, 2022
Demonstrates awareness of, and compliance with, organizational mission and objective of UHC to provide health care access and support services for all members of the community.
January 24, 2023
Collaborates, refer to, and consults with multidisciplinary team including medical providers, behavioral health providers, and other community service providers to ensure the provision of substance use disorder and mental health services in a timely manner.
February 03, 2023
Supports the quality improvement and compliance goals of the health center by ensuring that UHC personnel within their area meet required regulations as defined by BPHC and other contracted entities.
March 18, 2023
Completes accurate data entry as required by the grant to document the service delivery and progress of each individual receiving services.
March 28, 2023
Develops and implements targeted strategies to improve care coordination for patients with chronic diseases such as behavioral health issues, diabetes, hypertension and asthma in accordance with established clinic policies and procedures, objectives, quality improvement activities, safety, environmental and infection control standards.
April 21, 2023
Provide referrals and link clients to agencies, community and government services and monitor referral completion including state insurance programs, medication assistance programs, benefits/health coverage programs such as AND, SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, Medicare, housing programs, etc.
April 28, 2023
Maintains a ppro p ri a te, t i me l y , a nd e f f ec t i ve c o m mun i ca t i on with patients, f a m i l i e s, c om m uni t y a g e n c ies, p h y s ici a ns, n u rsing st a f f , d e p a rtme n t m a n a g e rs, a n c i l la r y d e p a rtme n t s , a nd the M a n a g e r re g a rd i ng v a ri a n c e s, asp e c ts of p a t i e nt c a r e man a g e me nt.
May 11, 2023