What is the highest and lowest pay for Demolition Superintendent?

As of January 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a Demolition Superintendent in the United States is $95,020. According to Salary.com, salaries can range from a low of $74,636 to a high of $119,846, with most professionals earning between $84,351 and $108,015.

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Salary range for a Demolition Superintendent
$84,351 to $108,015
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Demolition Superintendent Salary in Major Cities

This chart shows the salary comparison for Demolition Superintendent between major cities. San Francisco City consistently ranks #1 as of January 01, 2025. Click on the chart to see the detail salary data for Demolition Superintendent in each city.
Click to see the salary for Demolition Superintendent in these major U.S. cities.
City Name Average Salary
San Francisco, CA $118,775
Washington, DC $105,758
Miami, FL $91,695
Chicago, IL $99,676
Boston, MA $106,518
New York, NY $110,984
Dallas, TX $93,785
If you'd like know Demolition Superintendent Salary in other cities, then please select a city in

Average Base Salary

Core compensation


Average Total Cash Compensation

Includes base and annual incentives

What is the average salary for Demolition Superintendent in 2025?
These charts show the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of Demolition Superintendent in the United States. The base salary for Demolition Superintendent ranges from $84,351 to $108,015 with the average base salary of $95,020. The total cash compensation, which includes base, and annual incentives, can vary anywhere from $85,697 to $110,397 with the average total cash compensation of $96,432.
Average Salary Average Salary Range
Base Salary $95,020 $84,351 - $108,015
Bonus $1,411 $1,346 - $2,381
Total Pay $96,432 $85,697 - $110,397
* Base Salary represents gross income before taxes and deductions. It does not include additional pay such as benefits, bonuses, profit sharing or commissions.
* Total Pay combines base salary, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtime pay and other forms of cash earnings, as applicable for this job.
Salary.com Estimate Salary Tool provides free, accurate and real-time salary for thousands of careers. Please enter the following pay factors for Demolition Superintendent, to get a real-time salary target. If you want to get more detailed salary information, please view Professional Salary Report
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What's the difference between Demolition Worker and Demolition Superintendent?
According to our latest salary estimation on January 01, 2025. The average salary of Demolition Superintendent is $95,020, and the average salary of Demolition Worker is $38,731. The average salary of Demolition Worker is lower than Demolition Superintendent. ( 2024-12-24 salary.com )
I am a Demolition Superintendent, which location’s salary is higher, Framingham, MA or Boca Raton, FL?
Framingham, MA typically sees higher pay than Boca Raton, FL for Demolition Superintendent. a Demolition Superintendent Salary in Framingham, MA is $103,097 as of January 01, 2025; a Demolition Superintendent Salary in Boca Raton, FL is $93,025 as of January 01, 2025. ( 2024-12-24 salary.com )
Why does the salary of a Demolition Superintendent vary from city to city?
The cost of living is tied to salaries. If the expenses are higher in a particular city, then the wage level will be higher as well to afford the people can opportunity to live there. This is why you're always going to make more money in New York City for example, than in a small town. ( 2024-12-24 salary.com )
What are the Pay Factors for Demolition Superintendent?
Salary ranges for a Demolition Superintendent can vary widely, depending on the city and several other pay factors, including (but not limited to) education level, certifications, additional skills, and work experience. Click here to view Eight Factors That Can Affect Your Pay ( 2024-12-24 salary.com )
How the Pay Factors Influence Your Pay?
Salaries are ultimately dictated by the position being applied to, and hiring company, but there are several important pay factors that come into play based on your individual history that could impact your value to the company. Salary.com's Personal Salary Report will analyze these factors for you to help you maximize your earning potential. ( 2024-12-24 salary.com )

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Last Update: January 01, 2025