Performs a variety of paralegal clerical functions for Attorneys, including but not limited to pleadings, discovery, motions, notices, and correspondence.
April 05, 2023
Meet attendance standards at work location to perform necessary job functions and to facilitate interaction with management and coworkers.
May 03, 2023
Respond appropriately to shifting demands and opportunities.
February 19, 2023
Develop crucial skills in practice areas of interest through in-house and external (ie American Association for Paralegal Education, the National Association of Legal Assistants, Illinois Paralegal Association, etc.
April 23, 2023
Plan, organize and carry out multiple, related activities.
May 19, 2023
Organize and maintain special collections of documents (including witness files, subject and issue files, experts reliance documents, etc.
March 20, 2023
Assist with preparation of exhibit and witness lists, designations of deposition testimony, and other materials as directed.
March 31, 2023
Enter and release time promptly in compliance with the firms announced deadlines.
April 24, 2023
Participate in special administrative and legal research projects as requested.
October 16, 2022
Compile Research on Prospective Clients.
April 14, 2023