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For the most part, your team is great. You have created a workplace culture where your employees like to collaborate and share ideas, they’re supportive, and they’re (fairly) punctual. But there is one disrespectful employee on your team who is, well, less than stellar. What's worse is she acts that way in front of the other staff members, too. But before you lose your cool—or worse, fire her for insubordination—there are ways to deal with a disrespectful employee. Here’s how. 1. Be Available As much as you would like, you can’t expect the disrespectful employee to change their behavior overni... view article details

Be an Ant, Not a Grasshopper  How to Invest in a 401(k) or Other Retirement Plan   How to Roll Over Your Retirement Accounts       How to Roll Over Your Retirement Accounts  What happens to your retirement accounts if you change jobs? First of all, it's your money and no one can take it from you. Initially your best option is to do nothing and leave your 401(k) or other retirement money where it is. Then, after you've made more concrete plans, you can act accordingly.If you find another job with a company 401(k), just roll the money over into the new plan. But be careful how you do this. Make ... view article details

Apple is Swimming in Cash Late last month, Apple announced it has a mind-boggling $110 billion in cash reserves. Over at The Atlantic, a blogger decided to make sense of this information by translating the abstract sum into a concrete visual.Apple's cash reserves, it turns out, could fill 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools with $1 bills. I decided to take this logic a step further and look at how much space other sums of money would occupy. How much space would the average American household need to store its annual income? How many briefcases full of bills are needed to pay for a colleg... view article details

Women earn less than men. Estimates vary, but a recent report by the Institute for Women's Policy Research put women's earnings at about 82 percent of what their male counterparts make. Many theories have been proposed to explain this discrepancy: Women take time off to raise families and thus don't increase earnings as quickly as men. Women tend to choose jobs in lower-paying fields. Sexism leads employers to offer women less money. Women are less aggressive negotiators than men. Now, a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Mass. suggests the last factor may be... view article details

Gambling isn’t just for Las Vegas and Atlantic City anymore and that means the jobs aren’t confined to those two casino giants anymore either.You might say the casino industry is spreading the wealth.According to a 2013 study by the American Gaming Association, there are 39 states with some type of casino gambling whether its commercial casinos or Indian gaming. And there are other states, like New Hampshire, looking to deal themselves in.In 2012, the year covered by the AGA report, 332,075 people were employed in commercial casinos across the country accounting for $13.2 billion in wages. In ... view article details

Kendra wins Apprentice 3!!Another riveting season of 'The Apprentice' is over and has not disappointed with bigger boardrooms, louder candidates, and more innovative challenges. Reality TV buffs have long forgotten last season's winner and now turn their attention to the showdown between the Book Smarts and the Street Smarts. Along with the prestige of becoming president of one of The Donald's companies, this season's Apprentice will earn a hefty $250,000 yearly salary from Trump. But have you ever wondered what the apprentices are making at their day jobs? Perhaps it is more than what Trump i... view article details

Don't Leave Money on the Table Just Because Times Are Tough In an economy that's less than robust, more companies than ever are cutting back -- not only on their workforce, but also on the compensation and benefits they offer. Whether you are applying for a new position, or you are just up for your annual review, you might feel lucky to just have a job. Before you settle, know that you can negotiate a salary in a tough economy. This article explores 12 dos and don'ts that will increase the odds you get what you deserve. Do your research Do research salaries for positions comparable to your... view article details

Job Interview Advice Straight from the Horse's Mouth Want to stand out from other job applicants? You will need high grades, demonstrable passion for your work and, of course, good grammar, according to hiring managers at Texas Instruments, a semiconductor and computer technology company that employees a staff of more than 34,000 worldwide.For jobseekers, the process of writing cover letters, assembling resumes and going on interviews can seem opaque, with few clues to indicate what they are doing well and what needs improvement. So we asked TI's head of worldwide staffing Shannon Fre... view article details

Do you think you are underpaid for the work you do? Have you recently received a pay raise and been disappointed at the increase amount? Would you like to unload on your boss for undervaluing you? Before you lose your cool and say something you may regret, follow our advice on how to prepare for and conduct a successful salary negotiation.Step One – Understand Your Role Make sure you understand your role and responsibilities and how your position contributes to the organization’s success. You and your employer will need to agree on your jo... view article details

Most job seekers understand the value and importance of a well-organized resume but spend far less energy on crafting a strong cover letter. What they fail to realize is that resumes and cover letters go hand-in-hand. Employers are very busy and receive hundreds of resumes leaving little time for individual review. Submitting a thoughtful and well-written cover letter can help you outshine your competition and get you one step closer to an interview. Don’t let the energy you’ve spent on developing the perfect resume go to waste by failing to deliver an effective cover letter.Here we offer some... view article details