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There is currently no job description for State Park Ranger. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a State Park Ranger.

Contact the hiring agency for more information on the specific benefits offered. Respond to and resolve concerns that arise from park visitors and address neighborhood concerns related to park usage. documents, you will be marked as having an incomplete application. view job details

There is currently no job description for Park Ranger Supervisor. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Park Ranger Supervisor.

There is currently no job description for Urban Park Ranger. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Urban Park Ranger.

There is currently no job description for Seasonal Park Ranger. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Seasonal Park Ranger.


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'Safe travels' every goodbye these days, it seems, it's the same benediction. Beyond wishing each other well, what else can travelers do to play it safe in the air and in other countries? How can travelers overcome their reluctance to get back on the horse...or the plane? The U.S. State Department offers these tips on traveling safely to other countries.Before you leave...Read the consular information sheet for your destination country, which describes local conditions travelers can expect. Find out about any travel warnings or pertinent public announcements in case there are any perceive... view article details

Commuting can be the bane of many people’s existence. If you’ve ever had a long commute, you know it can be incredibly insufferable. Sitting in traffic is not ideal, and public transportation can be unreliable and uncomfortable. It’d be nice if there was encouraging news to report, but it seems commuting times are only getting worse. According to the Census, American commute times have been steadily on the rise since 2010. Although many people nowadays are lucky enough to land a remote working opportunity, many workers still don’t have the luxury of working from their home offices in their pa... view article details

Do you care about making a difference as much as you care about your career? "Green" jobs -- defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as jobs that produce goods or services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources, or jobs that use more environmentally friendly processes or fewer natural resources -- have outpaced jobs in other categories by almost 250 percent over the last decade, and growth doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon. The 12 in-demand jobs profiled in this article show how you can make some green -- while going green. Organic farmer As consumers bec... view article details

'Bonds come in many shapes and sizes. Those issued by the government include T-bills, Treasury notes and Treasury bonds. Municipal bonds are issued by a city, county, state, school, or park district for constructing roads, bridges, schools, libraries, airports, and so on.'    Now that the roaring bull that was the stock market has been put out to pasture, let us turn our attention to bonds and bond mutual funds. With investors accepting the sad reality that stock values can drop as fast as they may rise, bonds beckon as a lower-risk alternative - albeit one with a less exciting growth potentia... view article details

Thrill Builder! Slowly the car inches up the improbable incline, defying gravity, and propelled by unseen forces. As the roller coaster car gets to the crest of the hill and peers over the top at the twisted tracks and loop-the-loops that lie just ahead, you try to convince yourself that the person who designed this cruel contraption knows what he is doing. Relax. He does. Kent Seko originally wanted to be an architect. He rode roller coasters as a kid, but never thought about designing them until years later, when a friend who worked at Arrow Dynamics, Inc., a roller coaster design firm, talk... view article details

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Women's History Month and International Women's Day allow us to collectively reflect on the plight of women in this country and abroad. Despite the many struggles they have faced at every point in history, women have consistently proven to be resilient. In the patriarchal systems that govern much of the world, including the United States, the environment that persists to be among the most challenging for women, is the workplace. A History of Women in the Workplace During the Women's Rights Movement, which began in 1848 and ended in 1917, and the Women's Movement in the 1960's, women had had en... view blog & white papers details

According to brand new data from Lighthouse Research & Advisory, the compensation landscape is changing. New technology features and capabilities, and a different type of demand from buyers, are creating an exhilarating time to be working in compensation. During this session, we'll explore our research findings from 800+ companies and look at what they prioritize, how they select technology, and what drives them to leave their provider for a new one. While this session is based on data, it also features stories and examples of companies just like yours, bringing the findings to life in practic... view blog & white papers details

The landscape of talent acquisition is an evolving field. For recruiters and hiring managers, they can spend days searching for resumes, screening candidates, and scheduling interviews to find the right match for a role. Recruiting and hiring practices can be tedious and mundane some days. On other days, however, it can be exciting when talent acquisition leads to somebody landing their dream job. In this article, we will outline what the current state of talent acquisition is. After this, we will discuss the challenges that the current state of talent acquisition faces and what we can expect... view blog & white papers details

Do you want to understand the kinds of pay equity progress employers are making and how your organization measures up? This new research from the team at, sponsored by, has answers. According to the findings, more equitable organizations are three times more likely to analyze and leverage data to improve pay equity. And, while organizations employ a number of techniques to ensure pay equity, under half are looking to close pay gaps at all levels. Learning how other employers are approaching pay equity can help uncomplicate what can seem like a complicated process. For a deepe... view blog & white papers details

“What is your current salary?” While this question was a common feature of the interview process, and even expected in years past, it’s now prohibited in many places. An increasing number of state and local governments, such as in Massachusetts, Hawaii, and New York City, have adopted laws that ban employers from requesting salary history information from job applicants. Proponents of these kinds of laws believe that when employers ask prospective employees for their salary history, it perpetuates disparities in pay based on gender and other factors as workers shift from one job to another. U... view blog & white papers details