How much does a BI Consultant make in Kingston Springs, TN?

As of February 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a BI Consultant in Kingston Springs, TN is $105,619. reports that pay typically ranges from $93,367 to $119,089, with most professionals earning between $82,213 and $131,353.

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Salary range for a BI Consultant
$93,367 to $119,089
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BI Consultant

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Length of experience is a pay differentiator. Those with greater experience may have an advantage in negotiating salary. For those with less experience, other factors such as education or special skills could impact your pay. Please visit Professional Salary Report for more details.
Do you know how much should you be paid for a BI Consultant position in Kingston Springs, TN based on your education level?
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Depending on the job, educational levels may have a significant impact on pay levels. Be informed and understand how things like education and certifications can help to increase potential earnings for the career you are interested in. Please visit Professional Salary Report for more details.

Average Base Salary

Core compensation


Average Total Cash Compensation

Includes base and annual incentives

What is the average salary for BI Consultant in 2025?
These charts show the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of BI Consultant in Kingston Springs, TN. The base salary for BI Consultant ranges from $93,367 to $119,089 with the average base salary of $105,619. The total cash compensation, which includes base, and annual incentives, can vary anywhere from $96,643 to $125,963 with the average total cash compensation of $110,342.
Average Salary Average Salary Range
Base Salary $105,619 $93,367 - $119,089
Bonus $4,723 $3,276 - $6,874
Total Pay $110,342 $96,643 - $125,963
* Base Salary represents gross income before taxes and deductions. It does not include additional pay such as benefits, bonuses, profit sharing or commissions.
* Total Pay combines base salary, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtime pay and other forms of cash earnings, as applicable for this job.
CITY, STATE Franklin, TN AVERAGE SALARY RANGE $92,479 - $117,957 COMPARE TO Kingston Springs, TN
CITY, STATE Nashville, TN AVERAGE SALARY RANGE $92,804 - $118,371 COMPARE TO Kingston Springs, TN
CITY, STATE Hendersonville, TN AVERAGE SALARY RANGE $92,665 - $118,193 COMPARE TO Kingston Springs, TN
CITY, STATE Clarksville, TN AVERAGE SALARY RANGE $90,411 - $115,318 COMPARE TO Kingston Springs, TN
CITY, STATE Murfreesboro, TN AVERAGE SALARY RANGE $92,107 - $117,482 COMPARE TO Kingston Springs, TN
CITY, STATE Hopkinsville, KY AVERAGE SALARY RANGE $89,585 - $114,265 COMPARE TO Kingston Springs, TN
See salaries for BI Consultant in locations close to Kingston Springs, TN. Pay for the same job may vary based on the location and on the location and on other factors such as the size of company, the industry, and other local conditions.
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JOB TITLE Oracle BI Consultant LOCATION Kingston Springs, TN MINIMUM SALARY $105,411 MAXIMUM SALARY $131,964
JOB TITLE Senior BI Consultant LOCATION Kingston Springs, TN MINIMUM SALARY $93,367 MAXIMUM SALARY $119,089
JOB TITLE MS BI Consultant LOCATION Kingston Springs, TN MINIMUM SALARY $81,283 MAXIMUM SALARY $102,071
JOB TITLE Power Bi Consultant LOCATION Kingston Springs, TN MINIMUM SALARY $100,382 MAXIMUM SALARY $131,269
JOB TITLE Sap Bi Consultant LOCATION Kingston Springs, TN MINIMUM SALARY $71,588 MAXIMUM SALARY $99,379
The BI Consultant job could be listed using titles that are not exactly the same, but actually are for the same or very similar job. Here are some job titles in Kingston Springs, TN that might be a good fit for the type of job and salary you are looking for.

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About Kingston Springs, Tennessee    Kingston Springs is a town in Cheatham County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 2,773 at the 2000 census and 2,756 at the 2010 census. Kin....More

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