Facilitate thorough and credible failure mode effect analysis to identify and mitigate unintended adverse patient outcomes and evaluate effectiveness of process changes.
April 18, 2023
Reviews and evaluates clinical documentation and data, applying quality review criteria to collect data, analyze and prepare reports and present for review in collaboration with the Manager of Clinical Documentation Improvement.
October 05, 2022
Collaborates with the Medical Staff and Organizational Leadership to develop and enhance safe patient care while achieving optimal outcomes, including the organization's peer review program and ongoing and focused practitioner evaluation.
February 07, 2023
Provides leadership in defining, implementing and integrating quality, safety, service and efficiency strategies into the plans, policies, and organizational processes that affect the organization's operations and strategic direction.
February 22, 2023
Serves as the organizational liaison with accrediting bodies and other pertinent regulatory agencies ensuring SCA policy and procedures comply with regulatory and accreditation standards.
April 01, 2023
Demonstrates superior written and verbal communication and presentation skills appropriate for audience comprehension.
April 09, 2023