Designs, tests, and implements state-of-the-art secure operating systems, networks, and database products.
March 12, 2023
Follow processes as defined by the company and department.
November 30, 2022
Demonstrate effective time management and prioritization skills by planning ahead and accurately scheduling time and recording ticket detail.
December 09, 2022
Performs research and coordinates with retail managers to gather information and observe employee activity to determine compliance with Standard Operating Procedures and company policy.
December 16, 2022
Install burglar alarm, install fire alarm, and Install panic alarms.
January 18, 2023
Participate in on-site network and security audits related to PCI, SOX, HIPAA and other related industry related compliance audits.
January 30, 2023
Provide assistance to customers on usability and functionality of software and hardware products.
February 07, 2023
Create a process for proactively working with clients to clean up AD regularly.
April 01, 2023
Audits internal security policies and makes recommendations for improvements and best practices, in adherence to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) standards.
April 15, 2023
Develop a recurring process for performing and remediation of annual scans as well as reporting utilizing existing company resources.
April 27, 2023