Assist the classroom teacher in implementing and analyzing the results of a variety of assessments and monitoring tools to help diagnose and prescribe individual students needs as well as monitor the progress of individual students daily and throughout the year.
November 10, 2022
Create a classroom environment which maximizes instructional opportunity, supervise the behavior and wellbeing of students in the classroom and all educational settings, and administer discipline when appropriate.
December 19, 2022
Requires the ability to compare and or judge the readily observable functional, technical, structural, or compositional characteristics (whether similar to or divergent from obvious standards) of data, people, or things.
December 22, 2022
Prepare (in grade level teams), administer, and analyze (in grade level teams) scholar proficiency on common unit assessments in order to monitor scholar progress and scholar achievement.
January 29, 2023
Meet with parents/guardians to discuss their child's academic progress and behavior (may need to help/guide parents with priorities for their child and any resource needs).
February 26, 2023
Provide dyslexia specific strategic intervention instruction for students, on a case by case basis, as directed by the Director of Teaching, Learning and Innovation.
March 20, 2023
Participate in professional learning with content leaders and professional organizations at the state, regional and national levels in order to keep abreast of current policy and procedure related to intervention practices, and use that knowledge to help shape district practice.
March 27, 2023
Collaborate with intervention providers, data/support team members, and assessment personnel to administer, analyze, and interpret both norm- and criterion-referenced progress monitoring measures for purposes of informing intervention effectiveness and gap closure.
April 21, 2023
Performs such other tasks and assumes such other responsibilities assigned by the supervisor or the Superintendent of Schools.
May 09, 2023