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There is currently no job description for Pediatric Oncologist. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Pediatric Oncologist.

There is currently no job description for Pediatric Hematologist Oncologist. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Pediatric Hematologist Oncologist.

The Hematologist/Oncologist consults with patients to determine the appropriate course of treatment. Examines and diagnoses disorders and diseases of the blood, bone marrow, vascular and immune system. Being a Hematologist/Oncologist requires a degree in medicine from an accredited school and is licensed to practice. Recommends and orders tests to determine extent of illness or help diagnose condition. In addition, Hematologist/Oncologist may report to a medical director. Hematologist/Oncologist's years of experience requirement may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the positio... view job details

The Radiation Oncologist develops an individual treatment plan based on the patient's medical history, physical examination, review of laboratory tests, X-ray studies, and biopsies. Uses radiation to treat patients with cancer. Being a Radiation Oncologist requires a degree in medicine from an accredited school and is licensed to practice. Works with medical radiation physicists and dosimetrists to calculate and deliver the exact dose of radiation to the cancer tissue. In addition, Radiation Oncologist may report to a medical director. Radiation Oncologist's years of experience requirement may... view job details

Provide direct patient care for outpatient infants, children, and adolescents. Seek opportunities for collaboration with our hospital partners and community partners to improve and strengthen the Hematology/Oncology program. Attend and actively participate in division and departmental meetings. view job details


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Here Are the Most Popular Job Title Searches on for July 2015 What are the Most Popular Jobs on Wondering which jobs people are searching the most? Well, wonder no more, because we've got your answers. With more than 4,000 job titles in our database, people from all over the country come to and use our tools to find out how much jobs are paying. So, what are the most popular jobs, according to We combed through our data for the month of July and came up with the top 10 most-queried searches. And we'll be back on a monthly basis to update the resu... view article details

Medical and Health Services Managers are responsible for making sure that the day-to-day operations of the medical office run smoothly. Though Health Services managers do not provide health care directly, they are responsible for the planning and coordination of health care delivery, making their role just as essential to the medical field as nurses or doctors.A Health Services Manager may be either generalized or specialized, depending on the size and needs of the office. Bigger offices usually require a number of Health Administrators with varying specialties to implement procedures and poli... view article details

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Fred Wills is a thought leader on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), organizational development, culture and climate, and its impact on organizational performance, transformation, and change. He's built a successful career which includes working for Mayo Clinic and Nationwide Children's Hospital, and he's since channeled this experience into the foundation of Inclusiastic Consulting. He also brings international experience in organizational performance, community development, and capacity-building through his international development and aid efforts in Malawi, Africa. His current client ... view blog & white papers details

Known as the "Godfather of Data Literacy", Jordan Morrow has helped pioneer the field of data literacy by building one of the world's first data literacy programs. He is Head of Data, Design, and Management Skills at Pluralsight, and he served as the Chair of the Advisory Board for The Data Literacy Project. Jordan has spoken at numerous national and international conferences and is an active voice in the data and analytics community. He has also helped companies and organizations around the world, including the United Nations, build and understand data literacy. In this episode, Jordan talks ... view blog & white papers details