upper level job

What is the salary range of Instructor - Philosophy?

As of January 01, 2025, the average annual salary for an Instructor - Philosophy in the United States is $52,358. Salary.com reports that pay typically ranges from $43,178 to $68,154, with most professionals earning between $34,820 and $82,535.

Instructor - Philosophy Salaries by Percentile
75th Percentile $68,154 $5,679 $1,311 $33
Average $52,358 $4,363 $1,007 $25
25th Percentile $43,178 $3,598 $830 $21

Average Salary

25% $43,178 10% $34,820 90% $82,535 75% $68,154 $52,358 50%(Median) Didn’t find job title? Click
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What is the hourly and monthly salary as an Instructor - Philosophy?

As of January 01, 2025, the average hourly salary is $25 (range: $17 to $40); the average monthly salary is $4,363 (range: $2,902 to $6,878).

Last Updated on January 01, 2025
Last Updated on January 01, 2025

What are the salaries of Instructor - Philosophy with different levels of experience?

An entry-level Instructor - Philosophy with less than 1 year of experience earns about $49,047. With 1-2 years of experience, the average salary increases to $49,320. For 2-4 years of experience, the pay typically rises to $53,215. Senior-level professionals with 5-8 years of experience earn around $59,775, and those with over 8 years of experience can expect an average of $60,244.

Levels Salary
Entry Level Instructor - Philosophy $49,047
Intermediate Level Instructor - Philosophy $49,320
Senior Level Instructor - Philosophy $53,215
Specialist Level Instructor - Philosophy $59,775
Expert Level Instructor - Philosophy $60,244
$49,047 0 yr
$49,320 < 2 yrs
$53,215 2-4 yrs
$59,775 5-8 yrs
$60,244 > 8 yrs
Last Updated on January 01, 2025
Entry Level 6%
Mid Level 6%
Senior Level 2%
Top Level 14%
Experienced 15%
View as graph
Last Updated on January 01, 2025

How much does salary of Instructor - Philosophy vary from city to city?

Salaries in the United States can vary greatly between cities due to factors like cost of living, local economies, and industry presence.

For example, as of January 01, 2025:
  • In San Francisco, CA, the average yearly salary for an Instructor - Philosophy is $65,447.
  • In New York, NY, the average annual salary is $61,154.
  • In Boston, MA, an Instructor - Philosophy earns $58,693 per year.

What is the salary trend of Instructor - Philosophy?

As of January 01, 2025, our research reveals a significant shift in Instructor - Philosophy compensation over the past six years. For example, the median salary increased from $55,867 in 2023 to approximately $55,153 in 2024. (For a detailed analysis of Instructor - Philosophy salary trends, click here.)

Key factors like location, experience, industry demand, and economic growth significantly influence salary variations, making them important to consider.

Average Annual Salary of Instructor - Philosophy Over Time

Last Updated on January 01, 2025
Last Updated on January 01, 2025

Instructor - Philosophy Salary by Year

Year Average Annual Salary
2020 View More
2021 View More
2022 View More
2023 $55,867
2024 $55,153
2025 $53,962
2026 View More
Last Updated on January 01, 2025

Job Openings of Instructor - Philosophy

Salary.com job board provides millions of Instructor - Philosophy information for you to search for. Click on search button below to see Instructor - Philosophy job openings or enter a new job title here.

Most Common Benefits for Instructor - Philosophy

Based on HR-reported data: a national average with a geographic differential
Base Salary 69.8%
Bonuses 0.0%
Social Security 5.3%
401k/403b 3.4%
Disability 1.1%
Healthcare 8.5%
Pension 2.9%
Time Off 8.9%
Core Compensation
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Base Salary $52,358 69.8%
Bonus $0 0.0%
Value of Benefits
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Social Security $4,005 5.3%
401K/403B $2,566 3.4%
Disability $838 1.1%
Healthcare $6,371 8.5%
Pension $2,199 2.9%
Time Off $6,645 8.9%
Total Compensation $74,982 100%
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off.
Last Updated on January 01, 2025

What are the salaries of an Instructor - Philosophy with different levels of education?

Salaries for Instructor - Philosophy with a High School Diploma or Technical Certificate

According to our 100% employer reported salary sources the median salary for an Instructor - Philosophy with a Bachelor's Degree is $48,366 - $54,387. Please try our salary wizard to explore how other factors like location, Years of experience and number of direct reports can impact your base pay and bonus.

Instructor - Philosophy Salaries by Degree Level

Last Updated on January 01, 2025
Typical Education for Instructor - Philosophy
Degree Level % of user with this level of education
Bachelors 33.3%
Masters 33.3%
Doctorate 33.3%
Typical Education for Instructor - Philosophy
Bachelors 33.3%
Masters 33.3%
Doctorate 33.3%
view as table

Instructor - Philosophy Salaries by Degree Level

Last Updated on January 01, 2025

What Am I Worth?

FAQ about Instructor - Philosophy

1. What is the average salary of an Instructor - Philosophy?

The average annual salary of Instructor - Philosophy is $52,358. In case you are finding an easy salary calculator, the average hourly pay of Instructor - Philosophy is $25; the average weekly pay of Instructor - Philosophy is $1,007; the average monthly pay of Instructor - Philosophy is $4,363.

2. Where can an Instructor - Philosophy earn the most?

An Instructor - Philosophy's earning potential can vary widely depending on several factors, including location, industry, experience, education, and the specific employer. According to the latest salary data by Salary.com, an Instructor - Philosophy earns the most in San Jose, CA, where the annual salary of an Instructor - Philosophy is $65,709.

3. What is the highest pay for Instructor - Philosophy?

The highest pay for Instructor - Philosophy is $82,535.

4. What is the lowest pay for Instructor - Philosophy?

The lowest pay for Instructor - Philosophy is $34,820.

5. What are the responsibilities of Instructor - Philosophy?

Instructor - Philosophy teaches courses in the discipline area of philosophy. Develops and designs curriculum plans to foster student learning, stimulate class discussions, and ensures student engagement. Being an Instructor - Philosophy provides tutoring and academic counseling to students, maintains classes related records, and assesses student coursework. Collaborates and supports colleagues regarding research interests and co-curricular activities. Additionally, Instructor - Philosophy typically reports to a department head. Has a Master's degree or is a PhD candidate in the applicable field. Has experience and is qualified to teach at undergraduate level and possesses the qualifications to participate in research.

6. What are the skills of Instructor - Philosophy

Specify the abilities and skills that a person needs in order to carry out the specified job duties. Each competency has five to ten behavioral assertions that can be observed, each with a corresponding performance level (from one to five) that is required for a particular job.


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About Our Data

Salary.com provides salary estimates, histograms, trends, and comparisons using data from employer job postings and third-party sources.

We offer detailed salary information across multiple percentiles for your reference. (Click here to learn Why the Salary Midpoint Formula Is Crucial for Achieving Pay Equity.)

With the most extensive online, real-time compensation data available, Salary.com helps you pinpoint your exact pay target.

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The average salary for an Instructor - Philosophy is $52,358 per year in the United States, updated at January 01, 2025.
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